100 signatures reached
To: Immigration
Help Stop Cristian's Deportation!

~en espa/nol abajo~
Cristian Avalos was turned over to ICE in March after being released from the Town of Cicero police. He is currently fighting to stay in the country with his two daughters and partner. Please sign the petition to show the immigration judge overseeing his case that Cristian is an important member of our community and that he needs to stay in this country.
Cristian first left his home country because of threats he received for not paying bribes that were requested of him. In 2008, his friend was tortured and killed by a group of people who mistook him for Cristian. He therefore fears that if deported he will be killed.
Cristian has made a life for himself in the U.S. He has two young daughters, one and two years old, who depend on him. He is a caring and hardworking father who should have never ended up in ICE custody. Please support him and his family.
Cristian Avalos fue entregado a ICE en marzo luego de ser liberado de la policía del Town de Cicero. Actualmente está luchando para quedarse en el país con sus dos hijas y su pareja. Por favor firme la petición para demostrar al juez de inmigración encargado de su caso de que Cristian es un miembro importante de nuestra comunidad y que necesita quedarse en este país.
Cristian primero emigro de su país de origen debido a las amenazas que recibió por no pagar sobornos que le fueron solicitados. En 2008, su amigo fue torturado y asesinado por un grupo de personas que lo confundieron con Cristian. Por lo tanto, teme que si es deportado sea asesinado.
Cristian ha hecho una vida por sí mismo en los Estados Unidos. Tiene dos hijas pequeñas, de uno y dos años, que dependen de él. Es un padre cariñoso y trabajador que nunca debería haber terminado bajo la custodia de ICE. Por favor apoye a él y su familia.
If you want to donate to the family:
News coverage:
Cristian Avalos was turned over to ICE in March after being released from the Town of Cicero police. He is currently fighting to stay in the country with his two daughters and partner. Please sign the petition to show the immigration judge overseeing his case that Cristian is an important member of our community and that he needs to stay in this country.
Cristian first left his home country because of threats he received for not paying bribes that were requested of him. In 2008, his friend was tortured and killed by a group of people who mistook him for Cristian. He therefore fears that if deported he will be killed.
Cristian has made a life for himself in the U.S. He has two young daughters, one and two years old, who depend on him. He is a caring and hardworking father who should have never ended up in ICE custody. Please support him and his family.
Cristian Avalos fue entregado a ICE en marzo luego de ser liberado de la policía del Town de Cicero. Actualmente está luchando para quedarse en el país con sus dos hijas y su pareja. Por favor firme la petición para demostrar al juez de inmigración encargado de su caso de que Cristian es un miembro importante de nuestra comunidad y que necesita quedarse en este país.
Cristian primero emigro de su país de origen debido a las amenazas que recibió por no pagar sobornos que le fueron solicitados. En 2008, su amigo fue torturado y asesinado por un grupo de personas que lo confundieron con Cristian. Por lo tanto, teme que si es deportado sea asesinado.
Cristian ha hecho una vida por sí mismo en los Estados Unidos. Tiene dos hijas pequeñas, de uno y dos años, que dependen de él. Es un padre cariñoso y trabajador que nunca debería haber terminado bajo la custodia de ICE. Por favor apoye a él y su familia.
If you want to donate to the family:
News coverage:
Why is this important?
We need support each other and work to end all deportations!