To: Americans, voters, and non-voters
Tell ABC News and Univision: Ask 2020 DNC Candidates About Central American Migration!

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Why is this important?
The perpetrators of mass shootings in Gilroy, CA and El Paso, TX made reference to "hordes of mestizos" and "a Hispanic invasion" as "instigators" for their acts of terror.[1] Given the extensiveness of this racist rhetoric and the climate of fear it produces, the next president of the United States must be prepared to implement bold policies that both address the underlying causes of Central America's crises and that rehumanize migrants and asylum seekers at the US Southern border.
Voters deserve to know:
Which presidential candidate will, within the first week in office, reinstate both US and international asylum laws.[2]
How candidates will coordinate with existing Central American governments and/or civil society organizations to produce equitable, just, and less violent societies in Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala.[3]
Which candidate is prepared to reverse course on the failures and abuses of the Central American Regional Security Initiative, and demilitarize US aid to the region.[4]
How candidates will guarantee the reunification of families separated by CBP and ICE under the current administration's mandate.[5]
What measures will each candidate implement to bring restitution to abuses suffered by asylees and migrants under US government supervision.[6]
Which presidential candidate will end the criminalization of migrants.[7]
Candidates' plans to reduce the effects of climate change and to aid "climate refugees."[8]
How candidates plan to protect migrants and communities of color from growing tide of anti-immigrant and white supremacist violence.[9]
Houston, the site of the third Democratic Debate this September, is America's most diverse city. In 2013, 1.4 million of the city's 6.3 million residents were foreign born. Moreover, Houston hosts the third largest urban populations of Mexican, Vietnamese, and Honduran immigrants.[10] In a state at the center of the immigration debate, it is crucial that candidates address these issues in their third debate.
Voters deserve to know:
Which presidential candidate will, within the first week in office, reinstate both US and international asylum laws.[2]
How candidates will coordinate with existing Central American governments and/or civil society organizations to produce equitable, just, and less violent societies in Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala.[3]
Which candidate is prepared to reverse course on the failures and abuses of the Central American Regional Security Initiative, and demilitarize US aid to the region.[4]
How candidates will guarantee the reunification of families separated by CBP and ICE under the current administration's mandate.[5]
What measures will each candidate implement to bring restitution to abuses suffered by asylees and migrants under US government supervision.[6]
Which presidential candidate will end the criminalization of migrants.[7]
Candidates' plans to reduce the effects of climate change and to aid "climate refugees."[8]
How candidates plan to protect migrants and communities of color from growing tide of anti-immigrant and white supremacist violence.[9]
Houston, the site of the third Democratic Debate this September, is America's most diverse city. In 2013, 1.4 million of the city's 6.3 million residents were foreign born. Moreover, Houston hosts the third largest urban populations of Mexican, Vietnamese, and Honduran immigrants.[10] In a state at the center of the immigration debate, it is crucial that candidates address these issues in their third debate.