100 signatures reached
To: Phoenix Police Department and City of Phoenix
PHX PD Release Police Report

Tell Chief Jerri Williams and Mayor Greg Stanton to stop withholding the police report on the murder of Francisco Valdez by Phoenix Police Department.
Why is this important?
On March 23 2017, Francisco Valdez, a 24 year old Mexicano/Venezolano was murdered by PHX Police Department after his mother made a call that he was in emotional distress. She thought police would provide help to her son and make sure he didn't hurt himself. Shortly after arriving, police officers shot Francisco, who was unarmed, in the back four times in his mother’s living room. Instead of providing help, the police ended his life and devastated his family and his entire community.
Three months after the incident, the Phoenix Police Department and the Office of Public Records refuses to release the police report. Frascisco’s mother, Lorenza Valdez has submitted a records request with no results. Puente Movement and Center for Neighborhood Leadership have submitted their own requests and Public Records has refused to release it. Both organizations have made multiple attempts at getting the exact language in city policy or law that points to the PHX PD’s right to withhold a police report for three months and no response has been given. At a Phoenix City Council meeting on May 10, Councilmember Nowakowski made a request for the report and has also been denied access.
What are Phoenix PD and the City of Phoenix hiding? TODAY we need the entire community to stand up to this City and Department’s lack of accountability and transparency.
Sign this petition and share it widely. Demand Phoenix PD Chief Jeri Williams and Mayor Greg Stanton to release the police report immediately!
Three months after the incident, the Phoenix Police Department and the Office of Public Records refuses to release the police report. Frascisco’s mother, Lorenza Valdez has submitted a records request with no results. Puente Movement and Center for Neighborhood Leadership have submitted their own requests and Public Records has refused to release it. Both organizations have made multiple attempts at getting the exact language in city policy or law that points to the PHX PD’s right to withhold a police report for three months and no response has been given. At a Phoenix City Council meeting on May 10, Councilmember Nowakowski made a request for the report and has also been denied access.
What are Phoenix PD and the City of Phoenix hiding? TODAY we need the entire community to stand up to this City and Department’s lack of accountability and transparency.
Sign this petition and share it widely. Demand Phoenix PD Chief Jeri Williams and Mayor Greg Stanton to release the police report immediately!