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To: Anselmo Villarreal, Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of the Southwest Key Program (SKP)

Anselmo Villarreal step down from Board Of Directors of the Southwest Key Program!

Anselmo Villarreal must step down from his current position as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of the Southwest Key Program (SKP) and publicly denounce the violent separation and criminalization of immigrant children and their families under the current administration’s policy.

Why is this important?

The Young People's Resistance Committee has discovered that Anselmo Villarreal, CEO of La Casa de Esperanza, one of Wisconsin’s most important Latino community organizations, sits on the Board of Directors of the Southwest Key Program, the non-profit running child internment camps on the U.S.-Mexico border. La Casa de Esperanza is an important resource hub for the Waukesha Latino and immigrant community. We find it disturbing that Mr. Villareal would associate himself in any way with an organization that is complicit in the inhumane act of separating children from their families.

Several organizations, including the American Psychological Association, the American College of Physicians, and the American Public Health Association have denounced this policy. Mr. Villareal, there is no humane way of separating children from their families. Southwest Key Programs is complicit in this violation of rights; we urge you to step down from its board and renew your commitment to the humane treatment of immigrants everywhere.

Recientemente, el Comite de Resistencia Juvenil ha descubierto que Anselmo Villarreal, director ejecutivo de La Casa de Esperanza, una de las organizaciones de la comunidad latina más importantes de Wisconsin, forma parte de la Junta Directiva del Southwest Key Program, el cual mantiene campos de internamiento sin fines de lucro en la frontera EEUU-México. La Casa de Esperanza es un importante centro de recursos para la comunidad inmigrante y latina de Waukesha. Nos resulta inquietante que el Sr. Villareal se asocie de alguna manera con una organización que es cómplice en el acto inhumano de separar a los niños de sus familias.

Varias organizaciones, incluyendo la Asociación Estadounidense de Psicología, el Colegio Americano de Médicos y la Asociación Estadounidense de Salud Pública, han denunciado esta política. Sr. Villareal, no hay una forma humana de separar a los niños de sus familias. Southwest Key Programs es cómplice de esta violación de derechos; le exigimos que renuncie a su puesto en esta junta directiva y renueve su compromiso con el trato verdaderamente humano de los inmigrantes en todas partes.




2018-08-03 12:07:46 -0400

100 signatures reached

2018-06-20 22:34:13 -0400

50 signatures reached

2018-06-20 13:18:44 -0400

25 signatures reached

2018-06-20 11:43:48 -0400

10 signatures reached