100 signatures reached
To: Officer J. Creekmore @ Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
URGENT! ICE must allow father to reunite with Morris County Family

Update 8/26: We received word from Edwin's wife that Edwin is currently at a staging facility in Alexandria, LA. The clock is ticking to prevent his deportation! ICE can prevent the trauma Edwin's wife and son will go through by his deportation. He cannot safely return to his home country, where he experienced racially motivated threats and attacks. Edwin will be turning 30 years old very soon, and he should spend that birthday with his family. He enjoys chocolate, blackberry smoothies, likes to draw, and is a loving father. Please urgently sign and share this petition to reunite Edwin after being separated from his family for over 2 months.
Espanol: Actualización 8/26: Recibimos información de la esposa de Edwin que Edwin se encuentra actualmente en un centro de detención en Alexandria, LA. El reloj está corriendo para evitar su deportación. ICE puede prevenir el trauma que la esposa de Edwin, y su hijo pasarán por su deportación. No puede regresar con seguridad a su país de origen, donde sufrió amenazas y ataques por motivos raciales. Edwin cumplirá 30 años muy pronto, y debería pasar ese cumpleaños con su familia. Le gusta el chocolate, los batidos de mora, le gusta dibujar y es un padre cariñoso. Por favor, firma y comparte urgentemente esta petición para reunir a Edwin después de haber estado separado de su familia durante más de 2 meses.
Edwin is a beloved husband, father, and friend of Morris County, NJ, and we are requesting his release from immigration detention in Louisiana. Edwin has been separated from his wife and young son (8) for over two months. This young family came to the United States after Edwin experienced violent and racially motivated threats and attacks. Edwin's wife and his adopted son were also threatened, which led them to make the difficult decision to leave Colombia. They arrived in the United States but were separated as Edwin remains in immigration detention. We ask that he be released to his wife and young son, who have experienced immense trauma and grief from the separation.
Espanol: Actualización 8/26: Recibimos información de la esposa de Edwin que Edwin se encuentra actualmente en un centro de detención en Alexandria, LA. El reloj está corriendo para evitar su deportación. ICE puede prevenir el trauma que la esposa de Edwin, y su hijo pasarán por su deportación. No puede regresar con seguridad a su país de origen, donde sufrió amenazas y ataques por motivos raciales. Edwin cumplirá 30 años muy pronto, y debería pasar ese cumpleaños con su familia. Le gusta el chocolate, los batidos de mora, le gusta dibujar y es un padre cariñoso. Por favor, firma y comparte urgentemente esta petición para reunir a Edwin después de haber estado separado de su familia durante más de 2 meses.
Edwin is a beloved husband, father, and friend of Morris County, NJ, and we are requesting his release from immigration detention in Louisiana. Edwin has been separated from his wife and young son (8) for over two months. This young family came to the United States after Edwin experienced violent and racially motivated threats and attacks. Edwin's wife and his adopted son were also threatened, which led them to make the difficult decision to leave Colombia. They arrived in the United States but were separated as Edwin remains in immigration detention. We ask that he be released to his wife and young son, who have experienced immense trauma and grief from the separation.
Why is this important?
Edwin could be deported as soon as Monday, your support is urgently needed to keep him home with his family.
Edwin podría ser deportado tan pronto como el lunes, su apoyo es urgente para mantenerlo en casa con su familia.
Edwin podría ser deportado tan pronto como el lunes, su apoyo es urgente para mantenerlo en casa con su familia.