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To: Phil Bacerra; Candidate for Santa Ana City Council Ward 4

Demand Phil Bacerra Drop Out of Santa Ana Council Race; Abusers Should Not Serve on City Council

Drop out of the city council race for Ward 4; immediately stop campaigning; and return all campaign contributions received and spent.

Why is this important?

In light of Griselda Govea's call for accountability, we demand that Phil Bacerra drop out of the city council race for Ward 4 in Santa Ana; immediately stop all campaigning; and return all campaign contributions received and spent.

In a recent Facebook post Griselda detailed the regular verbal, emotional, and physical abuse that she endured while dating Phil over a period of four years, and called on voters to exercise accountability with their vote this November.

There should not be room for abusive people in our politics, nor in our council chambers.

Demand that Phil Bacerra drop out of the race and end his campaign by signing this petition.

In Griselda's own words: 'Prevent another abuser from getting his hands on our city. Haven’t we gone through enough? Perhaps Phil is right, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”. We’re done electing abusers around these neck of the woods. End it before it begins.'

See Griselda's full post Here:
Santa Ana, CA, USA

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2018-10-05 13:03:21 -0400

100 signatures reached

2018-10-04 22:56:47 -0400

50 signatures reached

2018-10-04 20:18:53 -0400

25 signatures reached

2018-10-04 18:55:54 -0400

10 signatures reached