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To: Mexican Consulate in Seattle, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, ICE

Stop Ivan's deportation to Mexico!

Ivan Sanchez has been detained for over 4 years now, just had a second back surgery after falling, twice, while detained at NWDC Tacoma. He's wheelchair bound and suffers many physical and mental illnesses. While in detention Ivan has been a victim of ongoing medical neglect. The Mexican Government should stop their collusion with ICE in deporting gravelly ill people.

We remember the deaths of Jose Martin Delgado Jaimes, Jose Velarde Quinonez and many more the Mexican Consulate in Seattle has helped deport to Mexico, promising healthcare for them only to dump them in a shelter to defend for themselves, and later died due to lack of access to medical care. Ivan was told by the Mexican Consulate staff in Seattle he would be left in Cd. Juarez accompanied by one of the Consulate staff and it's up to him to find his way and locate relatives.

Why is this important?

Ivan should not sent to Mexico to die. There have been too many of these cases already, we must demand ICE and the Mexican Consulate in Seattle stop Ivan's deportation! The Mexican government must stop colluding with ICE in deporting gravely ill people! Ivan should be released immediately so he can receive proper medical care. Free Ivan! Free them all!




2022-09-15 16:39:25 -0400

Ivan was deported with no medical support at all! He's in Mexico now trying to get an identification and access to medical service to get prescriptions filled. Make sure to follow our social media pages for further updates and calls to action. #FreeThemAll #ShutdownNWDC #BringThemBack

2022-09-05 18:02:31 -0400

Ivan was taken to the emergency room this morning around 10am to get X-rays, he asked the medical staff why and was told the doctor "saw something". No further explanation nor medical record was provided to him. He also asked why isn’t he placed in 10 days quarantine as the many other times before he has been when he’s taken to the hospital, today he was told it wasn’t necessary. Despite being scheduled to be deported tomorrow, no COVID test has been administered either. Global Rights Advocacy sent emergency petitions to United Nations and the InterAmerican Commission for Human Rights requesting they advocate for him and request the U.S. to stop this deportation. GRA also sent a letter to the Mexican Consulate in Seattle requesting they don't collaborate in this deportation, and if they do, to guarantee immediate access to medical care in Mexico.

2022-09-02 14:15:56 -0400

ICE is trying to deport Ivan this Tuesday September 6th! Please Call (253) 779-6000 leave a message and email
Deportation Officer Gregory Annet: [email protected]
Acting Seattle Field Director Drew Bostock: [email protected]
Tell them “Stop Ivan Sanchez’ deportation, release him to his family immediately and be accountable for the medical negligence you are responsible for that lead to his 2 back surgeries”

2022-08-29 17:07:11 -0400

Tomorrow we will meet at the Mexican Consulate in Seattle (807 E Roy St Seattle) 3PM-5PM to demand the Mexican government stops threatening Ivan and their collusion with ICE to deport him. Join us!

2022-08-25 00:37:03 -0400

100 signatures reached

2022-08-24 17:05:13 -0400

50 signatures reached

2022-08-23 17:35:30 -0400

25 signatures reached

2022-08-23 14:41:46 -0400

10 signatures reached