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To: Chicago Field Office Director Ricardo Wong

Stop Noe's Deportation

To: Ricardo Wong, Director
Chicago Field Office
Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Sylvia Bonaccorsi-Manno, Assistant Director
Chicago Field Office
Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Dear Director Wong and Assistant Director Bonaccorsi-Manno,

I am writing in support of the request form Mr. Noe Adan Carlos Herrera, A 088 772 137, to stay his deportation so that he is able to remain with his 5-year-old U.S. citizen daughter and U.S. citizen partner. Although he has been deported in the past, he should not be considered priority for deportation. He returned to United States determined to support his family.

Mr. Carlos Herrera first came to the United States at the age of 7 to get away from violence at the border, where he lived. He was deported in the past times, but remained firm in his goal of achieving a better life and supporting his father, who has a severe heart problems. He eventually made a life in Aurora, Illinois, where he has lived for 6 years. He is helping raise his 5-year old daughter, who is a U.S. citizen. His daughter would be devastated if Mr. Carlos Herrera were to be deported, especially after he was in detention for almost a year. Since his release from the Dodge Detention Facility in December 2014, he has been rebuilding his relationship with his daughter and has worked tirelessly to provide for her. He is now also working to support his household - including his U.S. citizen partner and three children.

I urge your office to take into consideration Mr. Carlos Herrera’s good behavior, his value to his community, and the suffering of his daughter and use prosecutorial discretion to stop Mr. Carlos Herrera’s deportation and grant his request for a stay of removal.

Why is this important?

Trump's administration, which has avowedly committed itself to the persecution and criminalization of all communities of color, places Noe under threat of deportation. Under the executive actions signed under the current administration, practically all undocumented individuals currently residing in the United States are considered priorities for ICE. This administration's rhetoric not only targets Noe for deportation, but seeks to further criminalize him as an immigrant.

Noe, parent of a US-citizen and long-term member and active contributor to his community in Aurora, was placed in deportation proceedings after making a right turn during a red light 3 years ago. Police in Aurora handed Noe over to ICE custody, and as a result was detained in the Dodge Detention Facility for over an year - often times being placed in solitary confinement. It was only through community efforts to pressure ICE that Noe was released from detention in 2014. Since Noe was released he has been rebuilding a relationship with his 5-year-old U.S. citizen daughter and has established a loving home with his U.S. citizen partner and her three children.

Under the current climate of ruthless persecution advocated by the current administration, Noe has decided to come out of the shadows and publicly face a system that seeks to uproot him from his community. At his next check-in on April 12, Noe will submit another request for Stay of Removal in order to stay close to his daughter and to be able to continue supporting his family. It is crucial that we are vigilant of Noe's case as we have seen how ICE has taken the opportunity to place individuals in deportation proceedings after attending their routine check-ins. We as a community must continue to seek justice until no more families are torn apart.
Chicago Field Office Immigration and Customs Enforcement

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2017-03-28 18:05:40 -0400

100 signatures reached

2017-03-27 15:38:44 -0400

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2017-03-27 10:40:18 -0400

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2017-03-27 09:22:29 -0400

10 signatures reached