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To: Minnesota ICE Field Director Peter Berg / Peter Berg, Director de Campo de ICE en Minnesota

Demand ICE to Release DACA Recipient and OCAD's Family Member, Beto, from Immigration Detention

Now that Beto is out of detention we need USCIS to move fast and process Beto’s DACA renewal application as soon as possible! If approved, DACA would protect Beto from deportation. In order to do that, we need to direct the pressure to USCIS asking them to adjudicate the application they received filed on March 6, 2020. You can help us by emailing USCIS officials directly when you sign this new petition:

Once you sign it, please share it with your networks and please let us know if they (USCIS) respond to your email.
Thank you in advance and let’s keep up the fight to defend DACA and keep Beto home.

Release Jesus Alberto Lopez Gutierrez on his own recognizance from Freeborn County Jail immediately and allow him to continue with his DACA renewal process.

Exige a los principales funcionarios de ICE que liberen a Jesús Alberto López Gutiérrez en su propio reconocimiento de la cárcel del condado de Freeborn de inmediato y le permitan continuar con su proceso de renovación de DACA.

Why is this important?

On May 21, 2019, beloved OCAD staff Miguel Lopez received a call alerting him that his youngest brother, Jesus Alberto Lopez Gutierrez (A-204588492), a long time resident of Chicago, was turned into Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody after a traffic stop by a local Iowa police officer on his way home from a camping trip.

Jesus Alberto, or Beto, came to the United States when he was nine years old and has lived in Chicago since 2005. He graduated from Solorio Academy High School in June 2014 and began working to support his family that same year. Jesus Alberto applied for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and, in February 2013, his application was approved by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

As the youngest member of his nuclear family, Jesus contributes the majority of his wages to ensure his family’s financial stability. He is in charge of providing care and physical support for his aging parents, both diagnosed with diabetes, and his elderly grandmother who requires constant care and assistance. Jesus would spend most of his days working but, in his free time, he likes to go running in the neighborhood park and enjoys camping trips with his friends.

Since his detention in May, Beto's family and community launched a campaign to stop his deportation but by September, the immigration judge overseeing his case ordered his removal. But Beto is not giving up, with the support of his legal team he decided to sue the agencies that are keeping him locked up and away from his family.

Morever, ICE’s top officials in Minnesota have the authority to release Jesus from detention so that he has the opportunity to apply for DACA. Sign the petition to demand Minnesota ICE Field Director Peter Berg to release Jesus Lopez immediately from Freeborn County Jail in Minnesota on his own recognizance and allow him to proceed with his DACA renewal process.

******** Español **********

El 21 de mayo de 2019, el querido miembro de OCAD, Miguel López, recibió una llamada para alertarlo de que su hermano menor, Jesús Alberto López Gutiérrez (A-204588492), residente de Chicago desde hace mucho tiempo, se encontraba en custodia de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE) después ser detenido por un oficial de policía local de Iowa en camino a casa después de un viaje de campamento.

Jesús Alberto vino a los Estados Unidos cuando tenía nueve años y ha vivido en Chicago desde 2005. Se graduó de Solorio Academy High School en junio de 2014 y comenzó a trabajar para mantener a su familia ese mismo año. En Febrero del 2013 Jesús Alberto solicitó el programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA) y su solicitud fue aprobada por los Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos (USCIS).

Como el miembro más joven de su familia nuclear, Jesús contribuye con la mayoría de sus salarios para garantizar la estabilidad financiera de su familia. Está a cargo de brindar atención y apoyo físico a sus padres, ambos diagnosticados con diabetes, y a su abuela que requiere atención y asistencia constantes. Jesús pasaba la mayor parte de sus días trabajando pero, en su tiempo libre, le gusta correr en el parque del vecindario y disfruta de los viajes de campamento con sus amigos.

Desde su detención en Mayo, su familia y la comunidad de Beto lanzaron una campaña para detener su deportación, pero para Septiembre, el juez de inmigración que supervisaba su caso ordenó su expulsión del pais. Pero Beto no se rinde, con el apoyo de su equipo legal, decidió demandar a las agencias que lo mantienen encerrado y alejado de su familia.

Los principales funcionarios de ICE en Minnesota tienen la autoridad de liberar a Jesús de la detención para que él tenga la oportunidad de luchar contra sus casos y continuar con sus responsabilidades familiares y laborales sin la injusta intervención de ICE que intencionalmente lo descarrila sin opción. Firme la petición para exigir que el Director de Campo de ICE Peter Berg libere a Jesús López inmediatamente de la cárcel del condado de Freeborn en su propio reconocimiento y le permita continuar con su proceso de renovación de DACA.
Chicago, IL, USA

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL




2020-05-01 15:10:09 -0400

Petition is successful with 5,389 signatures

2020-04-23 12:17:01 -0400

Now that Beto is out of detention we need USCIS to move fast and process Beto’s DACA renewal application as soon as possible! If approved, DACA would protect Beto from deportation. In order to do that, we need to direct the pressure to USCIS asking them to adjudicate the application they received filed on March 6, 2020. You can help us by emailing USCIS officials directly when you sign this new petition:

Once you sign it, please share it with your networks and please let us know if they (USCIS) respond to your email.
Thank you in advance and let’s keep up the fight to defend DACA and keep Beto home.

2020-03-25 21:50:53 -0400


Due to the overwhelming support for Beto from people like you from across the country, along with the organizing strategy put forth by OCAD (Organized Communities Against Deportations) and BEYOND Legal Aid team, Beto was released on bond at the end of February, 2020!

This was a HUGE victory, however, the fight is not over. Beto is currently appealing his order of deportation and is waiting to hear back from USCIS about his DACA renewal application, which was submitted quickly after his release from detention.

Stay tuned for future updates. Beto's struggle is another example that WHEN WE ORGANIZE WE WIN, and an affirmation to continue fighting until EVERYONE is free!

Take care!

- Miguel L

Link to article -

2019-12-11 19:17:25 -0500

5,000 signatures reached

2019-07-14 23:52:19 -0400

1,000 signatures reached

2019-07-13 09:22:01 -0400

500 signatures reached

2019-07-12 12:24:58 -0400

100 signatures reached

2019-07-11 20:56:50 -0400

50 signatures reached

2019-07-11 12:34:10 -0400

25 signatures reached

2019-07-11 12:01:38 -0400

10 signatures reached