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To: Mayor Rahm Emanuel

Tell Mayor Rahm Emanuel to Defy Trump, Defend Chicago, and Expand Sanctuary

Tell our mayor and city council to stand up to Trump and take action that doesn't just symbolically defend immigrants but transforms our city's policies to stop targeting us for imprisonment, risk of deportation, and state violence at the hands of police and aggressive immigration agents.

Specifically, we are asking the City of Chicago to:

1) Pass the amendments proposed to the Welcoming City Ordinance, increasing the protections that immigrants have in the city of Chicago, so that there are no exceptions and the ordinance protects all immigrants, increased protections for survivors of trafficking and domestic violence, and prohibit the Chicago police from ever becoming immigration enforcement agents.

2) Pass a resolution supporting a series of recommendations to reduce the violence and use of force in the Chicago Police Department by amending the contract with the Fraternal Order of Police. The resolution follows the recommendations made by the Department of Justice which found that the CPD “engaged in a pattern or practice of unreasonable force – including deadly force – in violation of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution.”

Both resolutions have been introduced to the Chicago City Council and are waiting for a vote, and need the support of the Mayor.

Why is this important?

Chicago has a history of over-policing and criminalization, which has led to Chicago residents being killed, incarcerated, and put in deportation proceedings regardless of the police-ICE collaboration. And, under unprecedented attacks against our communities from the federal government, the City of Chicago must also change. In order to keep communities safe, the City of Chicago must protections and relationships with people of color. It is a reality that in our city Black immigrants are disproportionately affected by criminalization and also needs immigration protections that do not exclude people with criminal records. In order to effectively respond to these threats, Cities must both provide undocumented and other non-citizen residents effective protections and safeguards from immigration enforcement, while also reducing the over-policing and criminalization of immigrant communities, Black people, and other people of color, that leads to mass incarceration and deportation.

The two demands, to move the recommendations to change the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) contract and amend the Welcoming City Ordinance is being supported by a coalition of local organizations, including Organized Communities Against Deportations, Black Youth Project 100, Arab American Action Network, Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Chicago, Brighton Park Neighborhood Council, Centro de Trabajadores Unidos - Immigrant Worker Project, Chicago Community and Worker’s Rights, Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America, Community Activism Law Alliance, ENLACE Chicago, Hana Center, Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, Latino Policy Forum, Latino Union of Chicago, Mujeres Latinas en Acción, PASO- West Suburban Action Project, and the Southwest Organizing Project, along with Mijente.
Chicago, Illinois

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL





2017-01-25 22:15:04 -0500

1,000 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

2017-01-25 14:34:20 -0500

10 signatures reached