#Not1More Deportation

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Campaigns (8)
PhoenixDon’t Let Guadalupe Be One of Trump’s First DeporteesGuadalupe García de Rayos is a mother of two who came to the US when she was 14 years old. Nine years ago, Sheriffs carrying out an unconstitutional raid led by Arizona’s Arpaio arrested her for working to support her family. She spent six months in ICE detention before being released to her family, but now, she’s being called back in by federal agents. This week, Guadalupe faces possible deportation due to Trump’s new declarations calling for the immediate removal of all people with charges regardless of circumstances. Guadalupe and her family are facing the reality that she may soon be separated from the children she has worked so hard to support. Angel, 16, and Jacqueline, 14, grew up with the fear of Arpaio's racially motivated reign and although a federal judge declared Arpaio’s raids unconstitutional, ICE agents still may attempt to separate this family. Her community is rallying around her and is asking you to do the same. https://youtu.be/ZNeae3RQJsI8,128 of 9,000 SignaturesCreated by Puente A.
El PasoSIGN: Agents Just Detained a Trans woman at Court as She Sought a Protective Order from Her AbuserMs. Gonzalez is a transgender undocumented woman and victim of domestic violence. When she left the domestic violence shelter to go to court, she was seeking protection from her abuser. But moments after a judge gave her that protective order, ICE agents arrested her. County Attorney Bernal believes that the deportation agents may have been led to Ms. Gonzalez by her abuser himself. "I'm suspicious that the tip may have come from the abuser, who knew precisely where the victim would be at that time and date since he had received notice to be in that courtroom as well,' Bernal told KFOX. Transgender women face higher rates of abuse in detention than anyone else. They experience 1 in 5 cases of sexual assault despite being an extremely small percentage of the detention population. Ms. Gonzalez deserves the protection a judge granted her. Now we need to help protect her by getting her out of ICE custody. Please sign and share.6,953 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Jorge G.
Grant DACA to Law School Graduate and Undocumented Leader Lizbeth MateoLizbeth Mateo is an undocumented law graduate and activist. She came to the United States with her family at that age of 14 and enrolled in high school right away, where she quickly learned English. Lizbeth always had her eye on higher education, but knew that her undocumented status would present challenges to her and students like her. So, Lizbeth began organizing, working with other youth, school administrators, and community members to fight for the rights of the undocumented community. Lizbeth was one of the first undocumented youth to risk deportation, to demand the immediate passage of the Dream Act, when she was arrested for stating a sit in inside Senator McCain’s office in 2010. Despite the failure of the Dream Act, Lizbeth continued her work with the immigrant community. But she knew the pain of so many young people who had been forced to return to Mexico due to family separation, so in 2013 Lizbeth left the country briefly, traveled to Mexico as part of the Bring Them Home campaign, and returned with eight other youth. The Dream 9, as they came to be known, demanded to be allowed to return home to their families and called for immediate family reunification. Lizbeth and the Dream 9 were allowed to return home after 17 days in detention. Lizbeth returned home just in time to attend Santa Clara University School of Law, from where she graduated this past May. Since she applied for DACA in October 2015, USCIS has sent Lizbeth not one but two letters of intent to deny due to her participation in the Bring Them Home campaign. The first letter came only days after her law school graduation. Lizbeth has received the support of several members of Congress, the Dean of Santa Clara Law, law professors, organizations, and community members. Denying Lizbeth’s request for DACA would send a message that political expression in support of immigrants’ rights will be punished. As professors, academic professionals, attorneys, and members of the community, we ask that USCIS reconsiders its Notice of Intent to Deny and grant Lizbeth’s DACA application.2,804 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Nadia C.
AsheboroKeep North Carolina Grandmother with Her FamilyJuana is a mother of four and grandmother of two who lives in Asheboro, NC and has worked at the same textile company in High Point as a sewing machine operator for the last eight years. She arrived in 1992 from Guatemala, having been threatened by armed combatants, and applied for asylum status. She was denied in 1994, and then was offered a work permit while she appealed her status, which took six years. In 1999 her eldest daughter in Guatemala suffered a life-threatening illness, and she left the country and returned without permission in order to be her caregiver. ICE subsequently denied her appeal, and in 2011 took her into custody, then released her a week later. Since then she has reported to the Charlotte ICE office periodically for required check-ins, but last month, instead of accepting her attorney's plea for a stay of removal, ICE fitted her with a tracking device, and ordered her to prepare for voluntary departure, telling her she has until May 31st to leave the country, potentially leaving her husband, kids, uncle and cousins behind.2,553 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Siembra N.
AtlantaRELEASE WILHEN FROM DETENTION WHILE HIS ASYLUM CASE IS BEING PROCESSEDA mother is in desperate need of your help. 21 year-old has been in detention at Stewart Detention Center for a year and three months. Wilhen has an asylum claim, but Immigration and Customs Enforcement is refusing to release him. He has family in Duluth, Georgia that is willing to take care of him; he is not a flight risk because his entire family is here. Wilhen D. Hill Barrientos came to the United States with his 15year old sister on July 2015; they were apprehended by border patrol. His sister was eventually released to her mother who lives in Duluth, Georgia, but Wilhen has been detained for 1 year and three months. Judge Trimble will not make decision on the case because on his last court which took place on, December 15, 2015 the audio was defective, and a result there needs to be another court date, but while this is happening Wilhen continues to be in detention. Judge Trimble wants to re-do the entire case. We are asking for help from the community to put pressure on Immigration and Customs Enforcement to release Wilhen while his case is being processed. Release Wilhen from detention!1,183 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Georgia Latino A.
AtlantaDon't Let ICE Take Away a GLAHR MemberOne of GLAHR's core members is under attack. Juan Martinez-Garcia has been a community leader with the Glahriadores in Atlanta for years. For the past four years, Juan has dealt with the bureaucracy of immigration agencies after Cobb County Police stopped him for allegedly running a red light, arrested him for driving without a license, and then transferred him to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to be deported in 2012. Since then, he's been trying to prove his humanity to authorities and asking for them to use discretion and close his case. His case is a perfect example of how programs like Secure Communities, PEP, and 287(g) have had a devastating effect and how the policies of the current administration are still failing. Juan has been in the US for 18 years and has no other interaction with law enforcement. Because he is married but doesn't have children, the government says his family and his place in our community doesn't count. We are asking Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Atlanta Field Office to close Juan Martinez Garcia's case. He has a right to stay in this country, he may not have children, but he has support, community that is here for him. Juan has a check-in with ICE on Thursday September 8, 2016.1,080 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Georgia Latino A.
DON'T TRANSFER ABUELA PATY TO ICE!When President Obama issued his executive order for immigration reform on November 20, 2014, Paty was one of the millions who was eligible for relief through the DAPA program. She is the mother of five US children and six US grandchildren, with a seventh on the way. While DAPA was held up in the courts, the President's Priorities Enforcement Program (PEP) began ripping apart thousands of lives by zeroing in on deporting migrants with misdemeanors such as DUIs. Paty is a integral figure in the Phoenix community and a pillar of her family. She's been building a life in the US since 1980, when she came here as a teenager. Now Paty's daughter desperately needs her mother by her side as she prepares to give birth to her child any day. Paty's grandchildren need the love and care of their abuela. Despite this being her first and only arrest, Paty could be deported for a DUI she received after being pulled over by the Phoenix Police Department for a broken tail light. Paty is bravely and responsibly completing requirements for her DUI by turning herself into Arpaio's jail. Help us tell ICE she belongs in her community, not in a detention center. Tearing Paty away from her kids and grandkids doesn't only harm Paty, it destabilizes her entire family. Watch the video of Paty preparing to go to Tent City here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xi9w0FDdNE Please sign below to stop Paty from being separated from her family and community!1,013 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Puente A.
Free Cesar XCesar X is a young Guatemalan gay man who is currently in immigration detention in Virginia. The last 33 months of detention have only worsened his symptoms of PTSD and depression brought on by years of childhood trauma and being labor trafficked in the U.S. La ColectiVA is supporting his fight to be released. Cesar X has a community that wants to welcome him and help him thrive after years of detention. Cesar X needs people to stand with him in fighting for his liberation! On April 11 Cesar X has a hearing before Immigration Judge Rodger Harris. We want Cesar X to be released on his recognizance. Please sign this petition to support the release of Cesar X. La ColectiVA is also raising money in case the Immigration Judge instead decides to release him on bond. For more information on his story or to donate, please go to https://www.youcaring.com/2017freecesarx to donate. Any amount is appreciated! La ColectiVA is a collaborative led by Latinx people in Northern Vriginia #FreeCesarX #LiberarCesarX71 of 100 SignaturesCreated by La C.