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To: ICE - Tacoma Northwest Detention Center (CENTRO DE DETENCIÓN DEL NOROESTE TACOMA)


On May 6th, 2021, ICE officers showed up at Cristian's work and surrounded him with several SUVs. They detained him and then proceeded to beat him. If that wasn't enough, they took Cristian's fingerprints without obtaining his consent and then used those prints to sign his deportation documents. Cristian was deported to Mexico on June 29th, 2021.
Due to a HIAS program permitting his return to the United States, Cristian was released on humanitarian parole on August 27th, 2021. He was scheduled to meet with an immigration judge on June 7th, 2022. However, Cristian was falsely accused of violating a no-contact order, and on February 1st, 2022, he was confronted by ICE at his workplace once more. Officers called him “fucking illegal,” pointed guns at him, broke his car window, pepper-sprayed him, then detained him.
Cristian should not be detained under any circumstances. First and foremost, his case is not contingent on his detainment; keeping him in the detention center is excessive and unjust. Second, Cristian is a father, and no child should be robbed of a parent. Third, Cristian has been suffering from immense brutality at the Northwest Detention Center, which he remarked has not been handling the pandemic in a safe manner.
Furthermore, Cristian was one of the countless individuals who were impacted by the horrific acts of violence GEO Group enacted on February 1st, 2023. In response to facility-wide hunger strikes involving 100+ participants demanding access to proper care and living conditions, officers deployed chemical agents, including pepper spray and gas bombs, to quell their dissent. He recalled the neglect that his unit endured when requesting medical treatment and the distance from the chemicals entering their space. Cristian expressed that people do not feel safe at the detention center. “We’re nothing here,” he elaborated.
Cristian is a leader of La Resistencia, a grassroots organization in Washington State fighting to end ICE detention and deportation once and for all. We recognize that his detainment was likely a move to silence his activism.
Christian additionally wants to bring to light the negligent manner ICE handles medical treatments, only offering attention during inconvenient times; and the failure to follow the 90-day deportation policy. This means that ICE is not allowing individuals who have signed their own deportation wishes to leave the detention center within their own required 90-day limit, subjecting these people to more traumatic uncertainty in their own futures.
El 6th de mayo de 2021, oficiales de ICE se presentaron en el trabajo de Cristian y lo rodearon con varios SUV. Lo detuvieron y luego procedieron a golpearlo. Si eso no fuera suficiente, tomaron las huellas dactilares de Cristian sin obtener su consentimiento y luego usaron esas huellas para firmar sus documentos de deportación. Cristian fue deportado a México el 29th de junio de 2021.
Debido a un programa de IAH que permitía su regreso a los Estados Unidos, Cristian fue liberado bajo libertad condicional humanitaria el 27th de agosto de 2021. Estaba programado para reunirse con un juez de inmigración el 7th de junio de 2022. Sin embargo, Cristian fue acusado falsamente de violar una orden de no contacto, y el 1st de febrero de 2022, enfrentado por ICE en su lugar de trabajo una vez más. Los agentes lo llamaron “jodidamente ilegal”, le apuntaron con armas, le rompieron la ventana de su auto, le rociaron con pimienta y luego lo detuvieron.
Cristian no debe ser detenido bajo ninguna circunstancia. En primer lugar, su caso no depende de su detención; mantenerlo en el centro de detención es excesivo e injusto. Segundo, Cristian es un padre, y ningún hijo debe ser robado de un padre. En tercer lugar, Cristian ha estado sufriendo de una inmensa brutalidad en el Centro de Detención del Noroeste, que comentó que no ha estado manejando la pandemia de una manera segura.
Además, Cristian fue uno de los innumerables individuos que fueron impactados por los horribles actos de violencia del Grupo GEO promulgados el 1st de febrero de 2023. En respuesta a las huelgas de hambre en todas las instalaciones, que involucraron a 100 participantes que exigían acceso a cuidados y condiciones de vida adecuadas, los oficiales desplegaron agentes químicos, incluidos pulverizadores de pimienta y bombas de gas, para sofocar su disidencia. Recordando el descuido que sufrió su unidad al solicitar tratamiento médico y la distancia de los químicos que ingresaron a su espacio, Cristian expresó que las personas no se sienten seguras en el centro de detención. “Aquí no somos nada”, elaboró.
Cristian es un líder de La Resistencia, una organización de base en el estado de Washington que lucha para poner fin a la detención y deportación de ICE de una vez por todas. Reconocemos que su detención fue probablemente un movimiento para silenciar su activismo.

Why is this important?

No one deserves the violence and brutality that Cristian has been receiving from ICE. He should have never been detained in the first place. Again, detaining Cristian in this center is excessive and unjust, considering that we are experiencing a pandemic and his case can be handled without locking him up. Every child also needs their father. Please sign this petition to show your support for Cristian!
Nadie merece la violencia y brutalidad que Crisitian ha recibido por ICE. En primer lugar, nunca debió haber sido detenido. Detener a Cristian en este centro es excesivo e injusto considerando que también estamos experimentando una pandemia. Su caso puede ser manejado sin detenerlo. Cada niño necesita a su padre. Por Favor firmen esta petición y demuestren su apoyo por Cristian.



2022-05-24 16:43:11 -0400

500 signatures reached

2022-04-26 15:34:08 -0400

100 signatures reached

2022-04-22 22:43:33 -0400

50 signatures reached

2022-04-21 14:02:24 -0400

25 signatures reached

2022-04-20 12:19:55 -0400

10 signatures reached