500 signatures reached
To: ICE Director Lucero
Get Madres Out of Detention, Free Sandra Orozco!
This campaign has ended.

#BringSandraHome - Sandra Ramos, single mother of 4 children, a 10-year-old little girl, a high school senior and two young people in their early twenties ask that you make a call to ICE Director Lucero to let their mom come home. She was detained for a traffic violation and one of the Maricopa County Sheriff officers called ICE on her. Since November 2018 she has been detained at Eloy Detention Center missing birthdays, graduations and major surgeries that her daughter Daisy had to go through alone.
Support this family and young people in their fight to bring all of them together again. Call ICE Director Lucero and tell him to not separate this family and leave these children alone to fend for themselves.
#LiberaSandra - Llamen al director de ICE Henry Lucero al (602) 200-2215 y piden que no deporten a Sandra Ramos.
Sandra Ramos, madre soltera de 4 hijos, una niña de 10 años y tres jóvenes les piden que llamen al director de ICE, Lucero, para que su mamá regrese a casa. Fue detenida por una infracción de tránsito y uno de los oficiales del Sheriff del Condado de Maricopa llamó a ICE. Desde Noviembre de 2018, ha estado detenida en el Centro de Detención de Eloy.
Apoye a esta familia y a los jóvenes en su lucha. Llame al director de ICE Lucero y dígale que esta familia tiene que estar junta.
Support this family and young people in their fight to bring all of them together again. Call ICE Director Lucero and tell him to not separate this family and leave these children alone to fend for themselves.
#LiberaSandra - Llamen al director de ICE Henry Lucero al (602) 200-2215 y piden que no deporten a Sandra Ramos.
Sandra Ramos, madre soltera de 4 hijos, una niña de 10 años y tres jóvenes les piden que llamen al director de ICE, Lucero, para que su mamá regrese a casa. Fue detenida por una infracción de tránsito y uno de los oficiales del Sheriff del Condado de Maricopa llamó a ICE. Desde Noviembre de 2018, ha estado detenida en el Centro de Detención de Eloy.
Apoye a esta familia y a los jóvenes en su lucha. Llame al director de ICE Lucero y dígale que esta familia tiene que estar junta.
Why is this important?
Call ICE Director Henry Lucero at ICE headquarters at (602) 200-2215 to let her go home with her children.
Sample Script: “I would like to leave a message to ICE Director Henry Lucero. I’m calling in support of Sandra Ramos, A# 078676226 she is a loving single mother of four children who are currently without a home right now. I’m aware that Ms. Ramos had a traffic violation but she has young children who need their mom home. Ms. Ramos’s case has garnered public attention and many are looking more closely into the case. I urge to use your prosecutorial discretion to keep Sandra home with her children. Thank you.”
Sample Script: “I would like to leave a message to ICE Director Henry Lucero. I’m calling in support of Sandra Ramos, A# 078676226 she is a loving single mother of four children who are currently without a home right now. I’m aware that Ms. Ramos had a traffic violation but she has young children who need their mom home. Ms. Ramos’s case has garnered public attention and many are looking more closely into the case. I urge to use your prosecutorial discretion to keep Sandra home with her children. Thank you.”