• Don't Let ICE Take Away a GLAHR Member
    One of GLAHR's core members is under attack. Juan Martinez-Garcia has been a community leader with the Glahriadores in Atlanta for years. For the past four years, Juan has dealt with the bureaucracy of immigration agencies after Cobb County Police stopped him for allegedly running a red light, arrested him for driving without a license, and then transferred him to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to be deported in 2012. Since then, he's been trying to prove his humanity to authorities and asking for them to use discretion and close his case. His case is a perfect example of how programs like Secure Communities, PEP, and 287(g) have had a devastating effect and how the policies of the current administration are still failing. Juan has been in the US for 18 years and has no other interaction with law enforcement. Because he is married but doesn't have children, the government says his family and his place in our community doesn't count. We are asking Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Atlanta Field Office to close Juan Martinez Garcia's case. He has a right to stay in this country, he may not have children, but he has support, community that is here for him. Juan has a check-in with ICE on Thursday September 8, 2016.
    1,080 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Georgia Latino A. Picture
    When President Obama issued his executive order for immigration reform on November 20, 2014, Paty was one of the millions who was eligible for relief through the DAPA program. She is the mother of five US children and six US grandchildren, with a seventh on the way. While DAPA was held up in the courts, the President's Priorities Enforcement Program (PEP) began ripping apart thousands of lives by zeroing in on deporting migrants with misdemeanors such as DUIs. Paty is a integral figure in the Phoenix community and a pillar of her family. She's been building a life in the US since 1980, when she came here as a teenager. Now Paty's daughter desperately needs her mother by her side as she prepares to give birth to her child any day. Paty's grandchildren need the love and care of their abuela. Despite this being her first and only arrest, Paty could be deported for a DUI she received after being pulled over by the Phoenix Police Department for a broken tail light. Paty is bravely and responsibly completing requirements for her DUI by turning herself into Arpaio's jail. Help us tell ICE she belongs in her community, not in a detention center. Tearing Paty away from her kids and grandkids doesn't only harm Paty, it destabilizes her entire family. Watch the video of Paty preparing to go to Tent City here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xi9w0FDdNE Please sign below to stop Paty from being separated from her family and community!
    1,013 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Puente A.
    La actual política de detener a madres y niñ@s en centros de detención es una violación de las leyes estadounidenses e internacionales de derechos humanos, lastima a l@s niñ@s, y castiga a familias que buscan salvar sus vidas. Jenny Munguia es una de las miles de madres que desafiaron el peligroso viaje hacia el norte en busca de seguridad para ella y su hijo. Pero en lugar de seguridad, se han encontrado con una trauma aún mayor. Jenny y su hijo se encuentran detenid@s durante meses en el centro de detención Dilley, en Texas. "Mi hijo no tiene apetito y no ha comido durante cinco días. El psicólogo me dijo que mi hijo está deprimido porque siente la incertidumbre de estar detenido y no poder salir. Una madre busca procurar todo lo que su hijo necesita para estar feliz y crecer, pero aquí siento que no puedo hacer nada para ayudar a mi hijo." No podemos permitir que mas madres y niñ@s como Jenny y su hijo sufran por esta política inhumana e ilegal. Es hora de acabar con la detención de familias ahora mismo.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by We Belong T.
    This petition is really important for our family, simply because we are fighting for one of ours freedom. My cousin is a good man with the best intentions. His sister started to see a psychiatrist for the same reason that she is overwhelmed with feelings that she will no longer see her brother, and my aunt..... My aunt is the sweetest person to meet. And she sure doesn't deserve this. She has started to get sick and loose weight, for the same reason that her family isn't together anymore. They would always come to visit us. But it all stop because there hearts are filled with holes, holes of not knowing what will happen to her son if they end up deporting him. Because he doesn't have NO ONE to look after him, his 21 but still has the heart of a kid. He loves his mom more than anything and refuses to leave voluntary because he as well as me believe that there's a lot more here for him. Chances, opportunities, and a path to follow. As if he were to get deported all he would have waiting for him in Mexico would be a pavement spot in the street, I believe that sending my cousin back to Mexico would be SUICIDE for him. That is why i believe that he deserves this second chance. And that you shouldn't deny this dream of his of becoming someone in this beautiful country, rather than a nobody in his own country. Thank You much, God bless from The Beltran Family
    140 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Amairani G.
  • Dear Presidential Candidates: End Family Detention
    The United States' policy of locking up mothers and children in detention centers violates US and international human rights law, needlessly puts children in harm’s way, and punishes families fleeing for their lives. Jenny Munguia is one of thousands of mothers who braved the dangerous journey north in search of safety for herself and her son. But instead of safety, Jenny and her son have only found more trauma. Jenny and her son were detained in the Dilley, Texas detention center, where they worked with the CARA Family Detention Pro Bono Project. According to Jenny: “My son has no appetite and has not been eating for five days. The psychologist told me that my son is depressed because he feels the uncertainty of being detained and not being able to leave. A mother wants to see that her child has everything necessary to be happy and grow, but here I feel like I can’t do anything to help my son." We cannot let more mothers and children like Jenny and her son suffer because of this inhumane and illegal policy. Its time to #EndFamilyDetention now.
    1,214 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by We Belong T.
  • Request for Prosecutorial Discretion, Parole from Detention
    Ruben Iribe Beltran came to the US in 1990 from Mexico. In 2006, Ruben developed an infection in his toe from a sliver he got while incarcerated in Beaumont, Texas. Due to poor medical care, the infection caused Ruben to develop gangrene in his toe, resulting in the amputation of his leg. He was given crutches to walk with, but broke his hip from a fall soon after receiving them. In May 2015, Ruben was transferred to Kromes Detention Center in Florida. He suffers from, among other things: hypertension, heart disease, kidney disease, and type II diabetes. Despite being made aware of these issues, Kromes has been unable and unwilling to provide proper medical care for him, including providing dialysis. Ruben was told that if he could find the dialysis treatment he needs in Arizona, he would be released on parole so he could access the treatment. Now, Kromes has gone back on their word. Despite finding a dialysis treatment in Arizona, they are refusing to let Ruben be released on parole, saying there is already a deportation order coming from Washington for Ruben and he will be deported any day. His health is deteriorating rapidly- most recently he had part of his big toe removed after developing blisters and an infection. Aside from dialysis, Ruben needs prosthetic bandages, disinfectant alcohol, prosthetic socks, and a wheelchair that fits his body. He has been denied all of these items and forced to wear the same soiled socks he wore upon his arrival 14 months ago. His medical needs and the detention center's violations go on. Ruben needs urgent care, not the cruelty he is being treated with by the detention center guards. The longer he is held in detention, the greater the risk for infection and the more rapidly his condition will deteriorate. Please sign to support prosecutorial discretion for Ruben and his parole from detention.
    241 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Puente A.
  • Virginia Members of Congress: #CheckYourComplicity
    While the Trump regime has continued to expand its violence against migrants at the border and in detention camps across the country, including the “zero tolerance” policy and family separation, Virginia elected officials have continued to receive political contributions from the same ICE contractors and collaborators enacting Trump’s agenda. MVM, Inc., founded by Dario Marquez Jr., is and has been a loyal political contributor to Representative Gerry Connolly (D-VA 11th District), Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner, and the Democratic Party of Virginia, as well as to other establishment entities working to elect Democratic candidates in Virginia. In addition to MVM Inc., member of Congress Gerry Connolly has also received thousands in contributions from General Dynamics, another ICE contractor, and Amazon, which has been described as the “backbone behind ICE’s immigration crackdown” by providing technological infrastructure to ICE through its collaboration with Palantir.
    290 of 300 Signatures
    Created by La C. Picture
  • Drop the Falsified Charges against Andres Garcia
    The Pinal County Attorney is trying to Hang my brother in front of a Jury. An all upper class Predominant Racist-White Jury. These are everyday injustices that are more than less gruesome and certainly reprehensible. I have a relative going through what many inmates are currently going through. I want Justice for him and i want Justice for all. If we start with one we can show that united we can and that we wont be defeated. Lets rise together, were there are many united no one is left behind because we are our brother's keeper's. We never leave our fellow man hanging.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rosa G.
  • Keep Orange NJ Fair + Welcoming
    The City of Orange Township is an ethnically, racially, linguistically, and socioeconomically diverse community. This has been a source of our municipality’s strength. We are committed to ensuring that all our residents can live and pursue their livelihoods in peace and prosperity. Like many Americans, we are deeply concerned about how the new presidential administration will impact the lives of immigrants and their families, whether they will be forced to leave this country, and whether rights and protections afforded to them will suddenly be taken away. When local law enforcement voluntarily cooperates with, or works on behalf of, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), significant gaps in trust and cooperation grow between immigrant communities and the police. Some of these practices could expose the City of Orange to liability for violations of individuals’ constitutional rights. Undue collaboration between local law enforcement and ICE will make immigrants less likely to report crimes, act as witnesses in criminal investigations and prosecutions, and provide intelligence to law enforcement. The cooperation of the City of Orange’s immigrant communities is essential to prevent and solve crimes and maintain good public order, safety and security for the entire City. Community policing depends on trust with every community in Orange. Facilitating deportations will harm such efforts. A growing number of municipalities around the country are standing up to threats against privacy and liberties by taking meaningful steps to ensure that at-risk communities are safe, and that all residents’ rights are respected, so that their municipality may continue to thrive. Due to Orange’s limited resources, we see a clear need to foster the trust of and cooperation from, the public, including members of vulnerable communities. To effectuate these goals, we urge the City Council, the Mayor and the administration of the City to clarify its role in protecting all city residents’ privacy and rights.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gregory G.
  • Tell Redmond, Become a Welcoming City
    Redmond is a hugely diverse city that benefits enormously from its immigrant population. Recent events can lead to huge swaths of our population feeling unsafe. As a school counselor, I have met with many students who are already feeling fear and shame due to recent events. A Welcoming City ordinance would send a clear message to them that we have their backs.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Erica M.
  • Make Healthcare Facilities Sanctuary Locations for Undocumented and Immigrant Patients
    California policy allows undocumented and immigrant patients to receive county and state health services. Under our new administration, undocumented people are targeted for deportation and arrest.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Imelda P.