• Halt student transfers, protect prison programming!
    PNAP embodies two essential truths: the urgent need to abolish all prisons while simultaneously advocating for the dignity and humanity of those currently imprisoned. We strive to achieve this by advocating for the freedom of incarcerated individuals and offering programs that celebrate their stories, art, and spirit. Over the past thirteen years, students in our program have highlighted that the most significant impact has come from the strong community they have built with their peers. These transfers by IDOC threaten to dismantle this crucial support network, further exacerbating the hardships of incarceration. Prisons are not environments conducive to reform and this scheduled transfer is proof of that. They exacerbate suffering by dispersing student communities, separating families by nearly 350 miles, and jeopardizing medical care. These practices underscore the punitive nature of the prison system. Governor Pritzker has the authority to end this cycle of punishment by halting the transfers and engaging in discussions with IDOC to relocate all our students to Hill Correctional Center. PLEASE CLICK THE LINK HERE TO VOICE YOUR OPINION AND HELP US HALT THESE TRANSFERS IMMEDIATELY. 
    1,195 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by The Prison + Neighborhood Arts/Education Project (PNAP)
  • Por un Sistema Eléctrico Público, Comunitario y Libre de Corrupción en Puerto Rico
    Nuestro objetivo es dejar claro lo que está sucediendo detrás de las puertas cerradas y promover soluciones energéticas que realmente beneficien a nuestras comunidades. Our aim is to make clear what's happening behind closed doors and push for energy solutions that truly benefit our communities.
    380 of 400 Signatures
  • Free William
    1. Free William 2. Shut Down the NWDC  3. Demand for Better Conditions at the NWDC
    644 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Resistencia N. Picture
    1. FREE NAEEM 2. Shut Down the NWDC 3. Demand for Better Conditions at the NWDC
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Resistencia N. Picture
  • Free Darrell Fair: Re-open His Case
    Darrell has taken numerous legal actions against his incarceration on the basis of police torture. Most recently, his case was heard by the IL Supreme Court. They upheld a lower court's decision that Darrell did not pass the threshold to prove he qualified for support under the Torture Inquiry Relief Commission. We are calling on Kim Foxx and the State’s Attorney Office to re-open Darrell’s case. Sign the petition to encourage her to meet with lawyers from the Exoneration Project to discuss Darrell Fair’s case.
    289 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Prison + Neighborhood Arts/Education Project
    1. Better Food 2. Access to Clean Clothes 3. Better Treatment 4. Better Healthcare 5. For NWDC to be cleaned regularly 6. FREE THEM ALL!
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Resistencia N. Picture
    1.Grant Emmanuel another bond hearing 2.Free Emmanuel now! 3.Shut Down the NWDC
    90 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Resistencia N. Picture
  • Implement House Bill 1470: Enforce measurable standards of living in the Northwest Detention Center
    House Bill 1470 will establish measurable standards that must be met upon unannounced inspections of the Department of Health, as the North West Detention Center currently has none. When detainees currently living in the NWDC facility were asked what these measure standards should be, their answers were disheartening, as it was clear basic human standards of living were not being met. Detainees requested laundry services be available at least twice a week and that the clothes they received be new and their own. Detainees have reported that the clothes they receive in the facility are soiled and often mixed with other detainees' clothes. Standards for personal hygiene still need to be met, as detainees are given a travel-size toothbrush, which individuals have stated only holds up for a few brushes. Detainees repeatedly noted the consideration for better treatment. Responses were “Better treatment, we are not animals” and “Humane and dignified treatment.” Detainees are told as they enter the detainment facility that it is not a prison, yet their personal belongings are confiscated. It’s not a prison, yet they are held against their will for years without seeing a day in court. While the Washington state legislature passed a law mandating the facility's closure, this was later deemed unenforceable. So, we must ensure that detainees living in this facility have access to sustainable living conditions that are regularly inspected and enforced.
    758 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Resistencia N. Picture
  • Free Chidi!
    This act demonstrates the blatant racist biases in which the judge, ICE officer, and NWDC operate. To deny a human being bond DESPITE QUALIFYING, solely based on their skin COLOR. Not only that but stops an individual from any opportunity to see their family; a family who so desperately wants him and needs him back… Sign this petition and contact the congressman David Kilmer, Senator Patty Murray, and ICE Field Director Sylvie A Renda. Tell them to #freechidi and #freethemall Congressman Derek Kilmer Contact: Phone: Washington, D.C. Office (202) 225-5916 Tacoma Office: Phone: (253) 272-3515 Email: https://kilmer.house.gov/contact/email-me Senator Patty Murray Contact: Phone: Washington D.C. Office: (202) 224-2621 Tacoma Office: (253) 572-3636 Email: https://www.murray.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contactme Twitter: @pattymurray ICE Seattle Field Director Sylvie A Renda Contact: Phone: (206) 802-7666 (206) 835-0650 Email: [email protected]
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Resistencia N. Picture
  • Free Paty!
    1. Respect Paty and free her now! 2. Better food 3. Reasonable commissary prices 4. For NWDC to be cleaned/have cleaners 5. Free them all!
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Resistencia N. Picture
  • Defend Chicago’s Status as a Sanctuary City
    Chicago has a history of standing up and organizing against harmful federal policies. Fueled by organizing efforts, the city’s first Sanctuary policies were heralded by Mayor Harold Washington in response to the Republican Administration’s attack on immigrants during the 1980s. Building on that legacy, a multi-racial coalition came together under Mayors Emmanuel and Lightfoot to push back against the criminalization of communities of color and raids against immigrant communities being propelled by Trump. Sanctuary is a fact that’s been hard-fought and won here in Chicago. It’s only gotten stronger over the years across different waves of migration to the city. Now as we welcome new migrants to the city, Alderman Raymond Lopez and others sympathetic to Trump and Abbott's policies are turning their backs on this history and sowing division in our communities. In the last month, he has introduced legislation to repeal the Welcoming City Ordinance and take away resources from migrant families. They’re toying with the kind of legislation needed to protect our communities at risk of being targeted and from deportation. That’s not who we are or the commitments we’ve made to keeping families together and building stronger communities. We urge the city to honor its sanctuary history and status by saying NO to attempts to rollback protections and continue to defend Chicago as a Sanctuary city.
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mijente
  • Stop requiring driver licenses from students to receive a parking permit !
    PXU serves a majority of Latinx brown youth who already face the struggle against immigration policies that affect them and their families. Yet, many youth still continue to fight for a better tomorrow through their education. Many of those young people are also responsible for taking their siblings to school. Therefore, by requiring driver's licenses the district is not only stopping their students from attending school but many times their siblings as well. At Puente, we envision a world where all people have the right to a good quality of life and are treated with dignity. We also believe schools are a place of transformation, where we can begin to experience change. We are asking students to join us and asking the district to: - Parking should be open to all students that need it. - Stop requiring driver licenses from students to receive a parking permit. - Stop collecting information that can identify potential immigration status information. - End policing culture and practices that create obstacles for students to access their education.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michelle R.