• Request for Prosecutorial Discretion, Parole from Detention
    Ruben Iribe Beltran came to the US in 1990 from Mexico. In 2006, Ruben developed an infection in his toe from a sliver he got while incarcerated in Beaumont, Texas. Due to poor medical care, the infection caused Ruben to develop gangrene in his toe, resulting in the amputation of his leg. He was given crutches to walk with, but broke his hip from a fall soon after receiving them. In May 2015, Ruben was transferred to Kromes Detention Center in Florida. He suffers from, among other things: hypertension, heart disease, kidney disease, and type II diabetes. Despite being made aware of these issues, Kromes has been unable and unwilling to provide proper medical care for him, including providing dialysis. Ruben was told that if he could find the dialysis treatment he needs in Arizona, he would be released on parole so he could access the treatment. Now, Kromes has gone back on their word. Despite finding a dialysis treatment in Arizona, they are refusing to let Ruben be released on parole, saying there is already a deportation order coming from Washington for Ruben and he will be deported any day. His health is deteriorating rapidly- most recently he had part of his big toe removed after developing blisters and an infection. Aside from dialysis, Ruben needs prosthetic bandages, disinfectant alcohol, prosthetic socks, and a wheelchair that fits his body. He has been denied all of these items and forced to wear the same soiled socks he wore upon his arrival 14 months ago. His medical needs and the detention center's violations go on. Ruben needs urgent care, not the cruelty he is being treated with by the detention center guards. The longer he is held in detention, the greater the risk for infection and the more rapidly his condition will deteriorate. Please sign to support prosecutorial discretion for Ruben and his parole from detention.
    241 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Puente A.
  • Respect the rights of Kanaka Maoli: Protect Mauna Kea and peaceful protestors
    We, the undersigned national and international civil society organizations and human rights defenders, urge you to respect Kanaka Maoli, Indigenous Hawaiians, by ensuring the respect of their human rights to exercise cultural practices and to peaceably assemble to protect their sacred Mauna Kea from further desecration and destruction. Ultimately, we demand an immediate end to the pursuance of the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) on Mauna Kea which is the most culturally and spiritually significant site to Kanaka Maoli. Indigenous Peoples have always been connected to and have held reverence for their mountains. Kanaka Maoli hold great reverence for their holy mountain, Mauna Kea, also known as Mauna a Wākea (Mountain of Sky Father). Mauna Kea is said to have arisen from Wākea and Papahānaumoku -- Earth Mother and Sky Father. It is revered as the origin of Hawaiian cosmology and the place where Kanaka Maoli trace their lineage to. Mauna Kea is a place of spiritual connection with one’s ancestors -- a sacred temple. The proposed TMT would be taller than any existing building on Hawai‘i Island at 18 stories high causing further devastation to the cultural landscape and open space in a conservation district that includes hundreds of Hawaiian cultural sites and shrines. This project is led by corporate and foreign interests of the Thirty Meter Telescope International Observatory LLC including the University of California, California Institute of Technology, and the nations of Canada, China, India, and Japan, who intend to systematically ignore and violate the human rights of Kanaka Maoli. The construction of TMT would negatively impact and interfere with the cultural and religious practices of Kanaka Maoli. This is a violation of the standards set by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), including articles 12 (1) and 25 regarding spiritual practices, and article 32 (2) on free, prior, and informed consent. As articulated in the UNDRIP articles 11 and 12, the United States, including the State of Hawai’i, is obligated to respect the cultural and religious customs of indigenous Hawaiians. In addition, the efforts undertaken by the State of Hawai’i and all parties involved in advancing the TMT project violate General Recommendation 23 of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), which calls upon State parties to ensure that “indigenous communities can exercise their rights to practice and revitalize their cultural traditions and customs.” The construction of TMT on Mauna Kea is in direct violation of these international legal norms. Pursuing the construction of TMT would be an injustice against Kanaka Maoli and all Indigenous Peoples the United Nations seeks to protect. We, the undersigned national and international civil society organizations and human rights defenders, write in support of the peaceful resistance of Kanaka Maoli at Mauna Kea. We recognize that Kanaka Maoli have experienced discrimination and institutional racism at the hands of the federal and local governments since the illegal occupation of the Kingdom of Hawai’i 126 years ago. We stand in solidarity with Kanaka Maoli as they express their right to self-determination, knowing that their struggle to protect Mauna Kea is felt by Indigenous Peoples around the world. We demand that their peaceful protests are met with respect, and we ask for a prohibition on any and all use of force against nonviolent demonstrators. Finally, we demand an immediate halt to the pursuance of the TMT project on the sacred temple of Mauna Kea. Please contact the US Human Rights Network Deputy Director Salimah Hankins with any questions or concerns regarding this letter: [email protected]. Sincerely, US Human Rights Network
    21 of 100 Signatures
  • Virginia Members of Congress: #CheckYourComplicity
    While the Trump regime has continued to expand its violence against migrants at the border and in detention camps across the country, including the “zero tolerance” policy and family separation, Virginia elected officials have continued to receive political contributions from the same ICE contractors and collaborators enacting Trump’s agenda. MVM, Inc., founded by Dario Marquez Jr., is and has been a loyal political contributor to Representative Gerry Connolly (D-VA 11th District), Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner, and the Democratic Party of Virginia, as well as to other establishment entities working to elect Democratic candidates in Virginia. In addition to MVM Inc., member of Congress Gerry Connolly has also received thousands in contributions from General Dynamics, another ICE contractor, and Amazon, which has been described as the “backbone behind ICE’s immigration crackdown” by providing technological infrastructure to ICE through its collaboration with Palantir.
    289 of 300 Signatures
    Created by La C. Picture
  • Drop the Falsified Charges against Andres Garcia
    The Pinal County Attorney is trying to Hang my brother in front of a Jury. An all upper class Predominant Racist-White Jury. These are everyday injustices that are more than less gruesome and certainly reprehensible. I have a relative going through what many inmates are currently going through. I want Justice for him and i want Justice for all. If we start with one we can show that united we can and that we wont be defeated. Lets rise together, were there are many united no one is left behind because we are our brother's keeper's. We never leave our fellow man hanging.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rosa G.
  • Amazon: Paren Su Apoyo A La Migra!
    Una nueva investigación muestra que Amazon está ayudando en gran medida a la agencia de inmigración ICE a rastrear, detener, y deportar a los inmigrantes. Ya sabíamos que los servidores digitales de Amazon mantienen a Palantir, la compañía que proporciona a ICE "servicios de misión crítica" como su software de administración de casos, y hemos presionado a Amazon deje de trabajar con Palantir. Pero resulta que el papel de Amazon en la maquinaria de deportación va más allá de eso. A través de un intenso cabildeo entre los legisladores y los funcionarios policiales, Amazon y Palantir se aseguraron un papel central en maquinaria de deportaciones y criminalización, lo que les permite obtener contratos gubernamentales multimillonarios en varias agencias policiales a todos niveles. Estos sistemas son nuevos y son peligrosos de nuevas maneras. Están acumulando cantidades de datos sin precedentes (desde escaneos faciales hasta el contenido de redes sociales) e intercambiando información entre los sistemas policiales de la ciudad, el estado y la región, así como algunos gobiernos extranjeros, con el fin de encontrar, deportar y detener a inmigrantes. DHS y muchas otras agencias federales están gastando miles de millones de dólares en estos sistemas de tecnología, y Amazon, Palantir y otras compañías de tecnologías los están presionando para ir aún más allá. Es hora de poner responsabilidad en Amazon por su enorme participación en la construcción de la maquinaria de deportación y exigir que paren de participar. No será fácil: Amazon gana miles de millones de dólares con estos contratos. Pero la empresa también depende de los consumidores, incluyendo millones de personas de Latinas, y tiene que preocuparse por proteger su imagen. Recientemente, la compañía se vio obligada a aumentar el salario mínimo de sus empleados a $15 por hora, lo que no habría ocurrido sin una campaña importante que lo exigiera. Podemos forzar a Amazon a que deje de ayudar a DHS e ICE a deportar y criminalizar inmigrantes si suficientes de nosotros los llamamos, nos mantenemos comprometidos, y mantenemos la presión.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amanda C. Picture
  • Tell Amazon: Stop Powering ICE!
    New research shows that Amazon is helping ICE track, detain, and deport immigrants -- in a big way. We've known that Amazon's servers host Palantir, the company that provides ICE with “mission-critical services,” such as its case management software, and we've been pressuring Amazon to drop Palantir. But it turns out Amazon's role in the deportation machine goes deeper than that. Through intense lobbying of policymakers and law enforcement officials, Amazon and Palantir have secured a role as the backbone for the federal government’s immigration and law enforcement dragnet, allowing them to pursue multi-billion dollar government contracts in various agencies at every single level of law enforcement. These systems are new, and dangerous in new ways. They are accumulating unprecedented amounts of data (everything from facial scans to social media content), and exchanging information among city, state, and regional law enforcement systems, as well as some foreign governments, for the purpose of finding, deporting, and detaining immigrants. DHS and many other law enforcement agencies are spending billions of taxpayer dollars on these tech systems -- and Amazon, Palantir and other tech companies are pushing them to go further. It's time to hold Amazon accountable for its outsized share in building the deportation machine, and demand that they stop. It won't be easy -- Amazon makes billions from these contracts. But the company also depends on consumers -- including millions of Latinx people -- and has to worry about protecting its brand. Recently, the company was forced to raise its minimum wage to $15/hour, which wouldn't have happened without a major campaign demanding it. We can force Amazon to stop helping DHS and ICE target immigrants, if enough of us call them out, stay engaged, and keep the pressure on.
    940 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Amanda C. Picture
  • Support Community Solutions Against the Chicago Gang Database
    The Chicago Police Department uses, maintains, publishes, and shares a list of names designated as potential gang members, which we call the “Gang Database.” It is a list of all suspected gang members in the City of Chicago. As of May 2018, there are over 128,000 adults in the Gang Database and between 28,000 and 68,000 juveniles. Of the over 128,000 adults in the Gang Database, 70 percent are Black, 25 percent are Latinx, and less than 5 percent are white. This means that 95 percent of the people in the Gang Database are Black or Latinx. In fact, according to the analysis by the University of Illinois at Chicago, the Gang Database includes approximately 11 % of Chicago’s Black population, 4 % of its Latino population, and only 0.6 % of its white population. Individuals who are labeled gang members by CPD officers are not provided any due process protections, including notice or an opportunity to contest the gang designation. And once an individual is included in the Gang Database, he is in the database forever—there are no mechanisms by which he can request to be removed, nor does the CPD conduct any internal audits to guarantee that the information in the Database is accurate. CPD shares its Gang Database with numerous third party causing significant known and unknown harm to class members, including deprivations of employment, licensures, bond, immigration relief, deportation and detention, and more.
    149 of 200 Signatures
  • Keep Orange NJ Fair + Welcoming
    The City of Orange Township is an ethnically, racially, linguistically, and socioeconomically diverse community. This has been a source of our municipality’s strength. We are committed to ensuring that all our residents can live and pursue their livelihoods in peace and prosperity. Like many Americans, we are deeply concerned about how the new presidential administration will impact the lives of immigrants and their families, whether they will be forced to leave this country, and whether rights and protections afforded to them will suddenly be taken away. When local law enforcement voluntarily cooperates with, or works on behalf of, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), significant gaps in trust and cooperation grow between immigrant communities and the police. Some of these practices could expose the City of Orange to liability for violations of individuals’ constitutional rights. Undue collaboration between local law enforcement and ICE will make immigrants less likely to report crimes, act as witnesses in criminal investigations and prosecutions, and provide intelligence to law enforcement. The cooperation of the City of Orange’s immigrant communities is essential to prevent and solve crimes and maintain good public order, safety and security for the entire City. Community policing depends on trust with every community in Orange. Facilitating deportations will harm such efforts. A growing number of municipalities around the country are standing up to threats against privacy and liberties by taking meaningful steps to ensure that at-risk communities are safe, and that all residents’ rights are respected, so that their municipality may continue to thrive. Due to Orange’s limited resources, we see a clear need to foster the trust of and cooperation from, the public, including members of vulnerable communities. To effectuate these goals, we urge the City Council, the Mayor and the administration of the City to clarify its role in protecting all city residents’ privacy and rights.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gregory G.
  • Tell Redmond, Become a Welcoming City
    Redmond is a hugely diverse city that benefits enormously from its immigrant population. Recent events can lead to huge swaths of our population feeling unsafe. As a school counselor, I have met with many students who are already feeling fear and shame due to recent events. A Welcoming City ordinance would send a clear message to them that we have their backs.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Erica M.
  • Tell Mayor Rahm Emanuel to Defy Trump, Defend Chicago, and Expand Sanctuary
    Chicago has a history of over-policing and criminalization, which has led to Chicago residents being killed, incarcerated, and put in deportation proceedings regardless of the police-ICE collaboration. And, under unprecedented attacks against our communities from the federal government, the City of Chicago must also change. In order to keep communities safe, the City of Chicago must protections and relationships with people of color. It is a reality that in our city Black immigrants are disproportionately affected by criminalization and also needs immigration protections that do not exclude people with criminal records. In order to effectively respond to these threats, Cities must both provide undocumented and other non-citizen residents effective protections and safeguards from immigration enforcement, while also reducing the over-policing and criminalization of immigrant communities, Black people, and other people of color, that leads to mass incarceration and deportation. The two demands, to move the recommendations to change the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) contract and amend the Welcoming City Ordinance is being supported by a coalition of local organizations, including Organized Communities Against Deportations, Black Youth Project 100, Arab American Action Network, Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Chicago, Brighton Park Neighborhood Council, Centro de Trabajadores Unidos - Immigrant Worker Project, Chicago Community and Worker’s Rights, Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America, Community Activism Law Alliance, ENLACE Chicago, Hana Center, Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, Latino Policy Forum, Latino Union of Chicago, Mujeres Latinas en Acción, PASO- West Suburban Action Project, and the Southwest Organizing Project, along with Mijente.
    2,493 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Organized Communities Against Deportations
  • Make Healthcare Facilities Sanctuary Locations for Undocumented and Immigrant Patients
    California policy allows undocumented and immigrant patients to receive county and state health services. Under our new administration, undocumented people are targeted for deportation and arrest.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Imelda P.
  • Don't Punish Students for Protesting Hate
    Students in Arizona have been demonstrating their power and declaring their outrage at the election results through student led walkouts at different schools throughout Maricopa County. Students at ASU Prep who participated in student walkouts on November 10 are being given detentions. The ASU Preparatory Academy Student Handbook for the years 2016-2017 does not outline a punishment for an unexcused absence (https://asuprep.asu.edu/sites/default/files/asu_prep_handbook.pdf). According to the Manual for Arizona Public School Students by the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona, “school officials cannot punish you for missing school to participate in a political protest more harshly than they punish students for missing school for any other purpose” (p 8, http://www.acluaz.org/sites/default/files/documents/SRHFINAL.pdf). Sign this petition and tell the ASU Prep Director, Mr. Vermeer, and the Dean of students, Mr.Boyle, not to punish students who exercised their first amendment right by participating in the student walkouts last week. Also, call 602-496- 3109 and leave the following message for Mr. Vermeer and Mr. Boyle: Hello, my name is _______ I am a concerned community member. I believe it is a student’s right to protest and should not receive harsher punishment for missing class to join the walkouts last week. I believe it is a violation of their first amendment right. I want to ask Mr. Boyle and Mr. Vermeer to relieve students from detention or any other punishment given for participating in the student walk out.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by People United f. Picture