• ‘Ta Caliente 🥵: Battling Climate Change, Ignorant Leaders, and Heat Waves in Texas
    Climate change is making its debut in Texas this summer, and it's coming in the form of excessive heat and tropical-level humidity. This environmental issue is beginning to pose a threat to public health. Texas leaders like Governor Greg Abbott, Senator Ted Cruz, and Senator John Cornyn are not only denying the existence of climate change, but making the issue worse by continuing to invest in and promote our fossil fuel-dependent economy and by refusing to support legislature that could curb the consequences of climate change. The consequences of this ignorance have been fatal. We know that Black, Indigenous, Latinx and other vulnerable communities will be the ones to suffer from this law the most, and we're already seeing it. In less than 3 weeks, 10 people have died in Laredo, TX due to heat-related illnesses, most, if not all, who were Latinx and elderly. In another case, a Black Texas postal worker died from the heat last month while on the job. These are just a few of the many fatal cases we’ve seen this Summer amid BIPOC Texans. By signing this petition, you are standing up against careless leaders like Abbot who refuse to acknowledge the severity of rising temperatures and extreme heat waves that threaten our communities, health, and environment. Let's protect our comunidad and secure a cooler future for generations to come. 🌍
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Portia L.
  • Tell PAG & RTA: Enact an Inclusive & Green Transportation Plan
    Transportation, Transit and Mobility are among the most critical issues we face today. We have made and continue to make our voices heard by participating in MOVE TUCSON planning. We want a mobility plan for Tucson's future and not a distant past. We need a regional transportation plan, like the RTA Next, that is innovative and inclusive.
    308 of 400 Signatures
    Created by F.U.G.A. (Familias Unidas Ganando Accesibilidad/ Families United Gaining Accessibility)
  • #TODOSMPLS: Minneapolis residents left behind need at least 3.5 to 5 million dollars!
    For this fund to reach the needed communities, it requires prioritization for those who have not been able to access federal and state social safety networks for any reason; as little bureaucracy as possible; and community-based outreach in partnership with community organizations. Our communities are clear: this is the time to be bold, brave and powerful together. We are calling in Minneapolis to invest NOW in the community that represents the backbone of our local economies.
    603 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Minneapolitan M.
  • Metro Nashville Public Schools: STOP Wage Theft!
    Between August 2018 and May 2019, Armando Arzate and his fellow workers at RSA Concrete put long hours of skilled labor into McMurray Middle School’s renovation, pouring concrete for new sidewalks, ramps, and other projects. Metro Nashville Public Schools contracted with Orion Building Corporation, their frequent construction partner, to oversee the project. Orion Building Corporation then subcontracted with Joe Haas Construction Company for cement work, and Joe Haas Construction hired Armando and his team (RSA Concrete). Despite having finished the job in May of 2019, Armando and his team are still seeking $43,000 they say they are owed for their work. Armando and the other workers, with the support of community members, MNPS parents, and Vanderbilt Divinity School students, have repeatedly requested that Joe Haas Construction and Orion Building Corporation do the morally right thing. This is not the first time that Orion’s subcontractor Joe Haas Construction has shafted workers. In July and August of this year, Armando and his team negotiated with Orion for $66,000 in unpaid work they performed at Vanderbilt University’s Divinity School. It became clear to all parties that Joe Haas was not paying the workers, and worse, that Joe Haas Construction did not use basic standards of entering into written contracts with their subcontractor. Finally, at the urging of the Vanderbilt University community, Orion paid the workers the full $66,000. We feel that this payment represents Orion’s acknowledgment of their responsibility for the mess they caused by their decision to contract with an unscrupulous subcontractor. But we still have a mess. Armando and his team are still seeking $43,000 for their work at McMurray Middle School. Representatives of Joe Haas have demonstrated to be dishonest and irresponsible. Why won’t Orion step up and take moral responsibility, even if they profited while some workers were not paid? Metro Nashville Public Schools needs to step in. We ask that MNPS superintendent Dr. Adrienne Battle and the MNPS School Board ensure that our children's learning environments are built justly and fairly. We must set an example for our children. We ask that MNPS: 1) Make sure all construction workers and subcontractors on MNPS projects be fully paid for their labor 2) Hold general contractor Orion Building Corporation morally responsible for all laborers on their projects with MNPS. 3) Only enter into contracts with general contractors that use Surety Bonds or similar mechanisms that guarantee that everyone who works to improve our schools are fully paid. This should never have happened, and can be avoided in the future with this simple action.
    390 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Rachel T.
  • STOP Wage Theft at Vanderbilt Divinity School Renovation
    Between May 2018 and June 2019, Armando Arzate and his fellow workers put long hours of skilled labor into Vanderbilt Divinity School’s expansion. Vanderbilt University contracted with Orion Building Corporation, their frequent construction partner, to oversee the project. Orion Building Corporation then subcontracted with Joe Haas Construction Company for cement work, and Joe Haas Construction hired Armando and his team. Even when Joe Haas started withholding wages, the workers continued and completed the work with pride and skill, determined to stay true to their word. At this time, Armando and his team are awaiting $66,000 in claimed wages. Armando and the other workers, with the support of VDS student and alumni volunteers, have repeatedly requested of both Joe Haas and Orion that their wages be paid, only to be met with threats and indifference. This week, over a month after we initially reached out to them, members of the administrations of Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt Divinity School met with us and heard our concerns. They listened as Armando once again described how he and his crew has been mistreated, and they expressed their intention to investigate and seek a resolution. However, they did not commit to a schedule for payment, and meanwhile Armando and his team continue to experience economic hardship. Until they are paid we will not relent in ensuring that the administration faces the urgency and the weight of this situation. It is shameful that Vanderbilt University would allow the buildings and infrastructure that provide opportunities to its students to be built with exploited labor. It is all the more a moral travesty that Vanderbilt Divinity School, which professes to be committed to justice and liberation, will be celebrating the grand opening on August 23 of a new addition built by workers who continue to suffer. Guests will mingle and admire floor tiles declaring “JUSTICE” and “LOVE,” but the declarations will be hollow and ironic. Vanderbilt University has the opportunity to redeem this situation by doing all in their power to influence Orion to make their subcontractor, Joe Haas, pay their workers the $66,000 in claimed wages, or if necessary to take responsibility and correct the deficit themselves. It is also incumbent upon Vanderbilt University to publicly cease business with Orion until Orion commits to using high road contractors that treat their workers fairly, and that quickly address any violations. Armando and his fellow workers are suffering because of the greed of Vanderbilt University and its contractors, and we must join together to correct this injustice immediately. ________________________________________________________________________________________ PETICIÓN: Alto al Robo de Salario en la Renovación de la Escuela de Teología de Vanderbilt! Nosotros quienes firmamos abajo pedimos que la Universidad de Vanderbilt asegurar el pago completo e inmediato de todos los trabajadores quienes han trabajado en el proyecto de expansión y renovación de la Escuela de Teología de Vanderbilt. Entre Mayo de 2018 y Junio de 2019, Armando Arzate y sus compañeros de trabajo pusieron horas largas y trabajo especializado para expandir las instalaciones de la Escuela de Teología de Vanderbilt. La Universidad Vanderbilt contrató con el Orion Building Corporation, su contratista frecuente, para manejar el proyecto. Orion luego subcontrató con Joe Haas Construction Company para trabajo de concreto, y Joe Haas Construction contrató a Armando y su equipo. Aun cuando Joe Haas Construction empezaba a retener sus pagos, los trabajadores siguieron y terminaron el trabajo con orgullo y habilidad, comprometidos a comprobar su palabra. En este momento, Armando y su equipo siguen esperando $66,000 en sueldos no pagados. Armando y los demás trabajadores, con apoyo de estudiantes y graduados voluntarios de Vanderbilt, han pedido varias veces que Joe Haas y Orion paguen la cantidad debida, y respondieron con indiferencia y luego amenazas. Esta semana, más que un mes después de que los contactamos, administradores de Vanderbilt y la Escuela de Teología se reunieron con nosotros y nos escucharon. Escucharon mientras Armando otra vez les contaba cómo el y su equipo habían sido maltratados, y expresaron su intención de investigar y buscar una resolución. Sin embargo, no comprometieron a una fecha de completar el pago, mientras que Armando y su equipo siguen en condiciones de dificultad económica. Mientras no han recibido su pago completo no paramos de asegurar que la administración se enfrenta con la urgencia y peso de esta situación. Es una vergüenza que Vanderbilt permita que sus edificios y infraestructura, que proveen oportunidades a sus estudiantes, sean construidos con labor explotado. Es un escándalo moral que la Escuela de Teología de Vanderbilt, lo cual expone un compromiso a la justicia y la liberación, celebrará la apertura de la adición construida por trabajadores quienes siguen sufriendo. Los visitantes se festejarán y admirarán la loseta declarando “JUSTICIA” y “AMOR,” pero estas declaraciones serán vacías y hipócritas. Vanderbilt tiene la oportunidad de redimir la situación, usando su poder sobre Orion para asegurar que la contratista Joe Haas pague sus trabajadores los $66,000 en pagos reclamados, o si se necesaria tomar la responsabilidad de pagar lo que falta ellos mismos. Vanderbilt debe de dejar de pasar contratos a Orion hasta que Orion se compromete a usar solamente contratistas quienes tratan correctamente a sus trabajadores, y arreglar inmediatamante cualquier irregularidad. Armando y sus compañeros de trabajao están sufriendo por la avaricia de Vanderbilt y sus contratistas, y tenemos que corregir esta injusticia inmediatamente.
    585 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Abbey L.
  • Tell Arlington Board: No Amazon in VA!
    Arlington County, Virginia is set to vote on the HQ2 bid on March 16th. Amazon HQ2 is bad news for the people of Arlington and Virginia. -HQ2 will add to increased living costs and displacement for our families -Amazon supports Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda, selling technology to ICE that enables family separation and deportations -A taxpayer-funded giveaway to the richest billionaire on the planet is theft of public money that should go to schools, housing, healthcare and benefits #ForUsNotAmazon New Yorkers already recognized the true impacts that Amazon HQ2 would have on them, and they organized and won. If enough of us come together to oppose this, we can run Amazon out of our town too. #NoAmazonInVA #ForUsNotAmazon
    2,119 of 3,000 Signatures
    SUPPORT ABMS-INC WORKERS FIRED AFTER DEFENDING THEIR RIGHTS! We are calling on you to support a group of South Suburban workers fighting back against discrimination and wage theft. On February 22nd, seven strong and united Latinx workers who worked many years to keep South Holland School District 151 schools clean were unjustly terminated by Alpha Building Maintenance Services Inc. When these workers organized and defended their rights and the rights of their colleagues, they were terminated by the company. ABMS-Inc. didn’t think twice about firing these hard-working employees. Over the past five years, these workers have organized against ongoing labor abuses, including wage theft. The company has robbed workers of their salaries by missing entire pay checks, expecting them to work through their unpaid breaks, not compensating them for working at additional sites (such as Pace buses), and more. Recently, these workers were discriminated against and harassed to fill out forms long after the statutory mandate to fill one out had passed. Only Latinx workers were targeted by their employer to sign these forms. Their non-Latinx colleagues were not intimidated in this way. // APOYA A EX-TRABAJADORES DE ABMS-INC DEFENDIENDO SUS DERECHOS! El 22 de febrero, siete trabajadores Latinos fuertes y unidos que trabajaron durante muchos años para mantener limpias las escuelas del Distrito Escolar 151 de South Holland, fueron despedidos injustamente por Alpha Building Maintenance Services Inc. Cuando estos trabajadores organizaron y defendieron sus derechos y los derechos de sus colegas, fueron despedidos por la empresa. ABMS-Inc. no pensó dos veces en despedir a estos trabajadores. En los últimos cinco años, estos trabajadores se han organizado en contra de los abusos laborales, incluyendo el robo de salario. La compañía les ha robado a los trabajadores sus salarios al perder cheques completos de pago, poniéndolos a trabajar durante sus breaks no pagados, no compensándolos por trabajar en sitios adicionales (como los camiones Pace), y más. Recientemente, estos trabajadores fueron discriminados y hostigados para llenar aplicaciones del trabajo mucho después de que el mandato legal para completar uno hubiera pasado. Sólo los trabajadores Latinos fueron seleccionados por su empleador para firmar estos formularios. Sus colegas no Latinos no fueron intimidados de esta manera.
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Centro d.
  • Pay Sergio What You Owe / Páguele a Sergio lo que le debe
    Sergio has invoices, photos, emails and text messages with Curt from Magnum Fine Homes that show he and his co-workers painted at least three homes for them in 2016, and he says he still hasn't been paid. We won't let employers in our community treat immigrant workers this way. // Sergio tiene facturas, fotos, correos electrónicos y mensajes de texto con Curt de Magnum Fine Homes que muestran que él y sus compañeros de trabajo les pintaron al menos tres casas en 2016, y él dice que todavía no le han pagado. No permitiremos que los empleadores de nuestra comunidad traten a los trabajadores inmigrantes de esta manera.
    196 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Siembra N. Picture
  • Stop The Evictions, Community Control of Denver Meadows Mobile Home Park Now!
    83 families and about 400 latinx, immigrant and low-income residents, over half of them children of the Denver Meadows Home Park in Aurora, Colorado are facing imminent eviction by the park’s owner Shawnn Lustigman. Lustigman has told the residents they must leave by June 2018 so he can close the property and sell it for millions of dollars of profit and pave the way for the gentrification of the Ward 1 District in Aurora - home to thousands of immigrant and refugee families. If the owner closes the park all of the families will be displaced without any guaranteed compensation and many will have to abandon their homes and everything they have invested in it. But we can ensure a better ending! With your support we can stop this displacement AND support the residents of Denver Meadows to purchase the property and collectively own the land! Context: The residents of Denver Meadows have been organizing collectively since 2016 to stop the rezoning of their community and the gentrification of Aurora through community education, direct action and securing financing from Resident Owned Communities (ROC) USA to make a ‘market-rate’ offer to Lustigman to purchase the property as a collective and ensure that all of their families can stay. Over the last 2 years Lustigman has retaliated with eviction notices, rent increases and targeting resident leaders. Recently, after significant community pressure, Lustigman turned down an offer of $20.5 million for the property and is moving ahead to close the mobile home park and carry out mass evictions of hundreds of latinx residents from Aurora! The city of Aurora already has an approximately 12,000 deficit in affordable housing units, and many families would end up homeless if the park were to close. Mobile Homes are one of the only permanent and long-term affordable options for families - yet when park closures happen they not only leave families homeless, but often strip families of generations of wealth and savings. In reality ‘mobile’ homes aren’t mobile - it costs between $6,000 - $20,000 to move to a new park, and with very little other housing available, demolition of the park would mean permanent displacement for most of the Denver Meadows families. For  many  families  this  would  mean  changing jobs, transitioning to new schools, longer commutes, the destruction of community fabric, more barriers to healthcare, affordable childcare, and food access. Support Denver Meadows With Legal Fees: Despite continuing to face retaliation, residents of Denver Meadows have pledged to continue to fight and need support from allies to keep fighting. Residents have found an attorney to help stop the retaliation and evictions against leaders but need funding to make this a reality. Contribute to the Denver Meadows Anti-Displacement Fund Here! https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/denvermeadows
    1,016 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Andrea C.
  • Tell Teespring to stop stealing Lalo Alcaraz' work
    Artists deserve to be compensated for their work, especially when proceeds from that work are meant to help uplift a member of our community. Please sign the petition and tell Teespring to take stop the sale of copyrighted work .
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeronimo S.
  • Gov. Cuomo: Fix and Fund the Subway!
    The shortchanging of New York's MTA has made this the #SummerOfHell for any subway rider. The over-crowded trains, long waits on the platforms, and escapes from broken-down cars isn't the way the subway is supposed to operate. It's fixable. But that would require Governor Cuomo to invest in the improvements the system needs, not in pet projects and vanity decorations. We love our city. But we haven't been loving what's been happening to the subway. Cuomo already announced that the MTA is in a "state of emergency" but he hasn't taken moves to actually fix it. Add your name and tell him it's about time.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nelini S. Picture
  • #DeleteUber: Boycott the Company Because the CEO is Collaborating with Trump
    On Inauguration Day, protesters stood in front of Uber's San Francisco office holding a sign that read: "Uber collaborates with Trump." Now news is breaking of internal memos from the CEO saying he'll "partner with anyone..." He explains, "Just as we worked with the Obama administration, we'll work with the Trump administration, too." But the Trump regime has spent its first days in an all-out attack on the environment, on migrant rights, women's bodies, Muslims, and more. While the majority of the country is reeling from the illegitimate President's actions, UBER's CEO looks like he's ready to strike a deal with him and that's enough for riders to sign off of Uber and sign on somewhere else.
    1,399 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Hairo C. Picture