FREE EMMANUEL1.Grant Emmanuel another bond hearing 2.Free Emmanuel now! 3.Shut Down the NWDC136 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Resistencia N.
Implement House Bill 1470: Enforce measurable standards of living in the Northwest Detention CenterHouse Bill 1470 will establish measurable standards that must be met upon unannounced inspections of the Department of Health, as the North West Detention Center currently has none. When detainees currently living in the NWDC facility were asked what these measure standards should be, their answers were disheartening, as it was clear basic human standards of living were not being met. Detainees requested laundry services be available at least twice a week and that the clothes they received be new and their own. Detainees have reported that the clothes they receive in the facility are soiled and often mixed with other detainees' clothes. Standards for personal hygiene still need to be met, as detainees are given a travel-size toothbrush, which individuals have stated only holds up for a few brushes. Detainees repeatedly noted the consideration for better treatment. Responses were “Better treatment, we are not animals” and “Humane and dignified treatment.” Detainees are told as they enter the detainment facility that it is not a prison, yet their personal belongings are confiscated. It’s not a prison, yet they are held against their will for years without seeing a day in court. While the Washington state legislature passed a law mandating the facility's closure, this was later deemed unenforceable. So, we must ensure that detainees living in this facility have access to sustainable living conditions that are regularly inspected and enforced.763 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Resistencia N.
Free Chidi!This act demonstrates the blatant racist biases in which the judge, ICE officer, and NWDC operate. To deny a human being bond DESPITE QUALIFYING, solely based on their skin COLOR. Not only that but stops an individual from any opportunity to see their family; a family who so desperately wants him and needs him back… Sign this petition and contact the congressman David Kilmer, Senator Patty Murray, and ICE Field Director Sylvie A Renda. Tell them to #freechidi and #freethemall Congressman Derek Kilmer Contact: Phone: Washington, D.C. Office (202) 225-5916 Tacoma Office: Phone: (253) 272-3515 Email: https://kilmer.house.gov/contact/email-me Senator Patty Murray Contact: Phone: Washington D.C. Office: (202) 224-2621 Tacoma Office: (253) 572-3636 Email: https://www.murray.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contactme Twitter: @pattymurray ICE Seattle Field Director Sylvie A Renda Contact: Phone: (206) 802-7666 (206) 835-0650 Email: [email protected]88 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Resistencia N.
Free Paty!1. Respect Paty and free her now! 2. Better food 3. Reasonable commissary prices 4. For NWDC to be cleaned/have cleaners 5. Free them all!113 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Resistencia N.
Defend Chicago’s Status as a Sanctuary CityChicago has a history of standing up and organizing against harmful federal policies. Fueled by organizing efforts, the city’s first Sanctuary policies were heralded by Mayor Harold Washington in response to the Republican Administration’s attack on immigrants during the 1980s. Building on that legacy, a multi-racial coalition came together under Mayors Emmanuel and Lightfoot to push back against the criminalization of communities of color and raids against immigrant communities being propelled by Trump. Sanctuary is a fact that’s been hard-fought and won here in Chicago. It’s only gotten stronger over the years across different waves of migration to the city. Now as we welcome new migrants to the city, Alderman Raymond Lopez and others sympathetic to Trump and Abbott's policies are turning their backs on this history and sowing division in our communities. In the last month, he has introduced legislation to repeal the Welcoming City Ordinance and take away resources from migrant families. They’re toying with the kind of legislation needed to protect our communities at risk of being targeted and from deportation. That’s not who we are or the commitments we’ve made to keeping families together and building stronger communities. We urge the city to honor its sanctuary history and status by saying NO to attempts to rollback protections and continue to defend Chicago as a Sanctuary city.74 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mijente
Stop requiring driver licenses from students to receive a parking permit !PXU serves a majority of Latinx brown youth who already face the struggle against immigration policies that affect them and their families. Yet, many youth still continue to fight for a better tomorrow through their education. Many of those young people are also responsible for taking their siblings to school. Therefore, by requiring driver's licenses the district is not only stopping their students from attending school but many times their siblings as well. At Puente, we envision a world where all people have the right to a good quality of life and are treated with dignity. We also believe schools are a place of transformation, where we can begin to experience change. We are asking students to join us and asking the district to: - Parking should be open to all students that need it. - Stop requiring driver licenses from students to receive a parking permit. - Stop collecting information that can identify potential immigration status information. - End policing culture and practices that create obstacles for students to access their education.55 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michelle R.
TO: ICE - TACOMA NORTHWEST DETENTION CENTER (CENTRO DE DETENCIÓN DEL NOROESTE TACOMA) FREE Jose!FIRST AND FOREMOST, La Resistencia demands the immediate release of Jose and everyone else detained. From the food, water, and air, the overall treatment of people detained in the NWDC is unacceptable and continues to violate human rights every day. SECOND, demand an end to the criminalization and deportation of Jose. Given the dangerous situation that continues to develop in El Salvador, Jose is unfortunately at high risk of being targeted based on his appearance. Deporting him would continue reinforcing a system of violence and oppression towards marginalized communities. Support Jose by signing the petition—together we will fight for everyone's release!105 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Resistencia N.
TO: ICE - TACOMA NORTHWEST DETENTION CENTER (CENTRO DE DETENCIÓN DEL NOROESTE TACOMA). FREE RUDY!Rudy currently has a lawyer who is fighting his deportation. He cannot be deported to El Salvador because “suspected gang members” with tattoos have been sent to jail and even tortured. Human rights watch expresses “In March 2022, the National Assembly declared a state of emergency and suspended basic rights in response to gang violence. Authorities committed widespread human rights violations, including mass arbitrary detention, enforced disappearances, ill-treatment in detention, and due process violations.” Because of Rudy’s past forced affiliation with gangs and the fact tattoos are considered as an indication of gang affiliation in El Salvador, deporting Rudy would be a death sentence. La Resistencia demands the release of Rudy and all those detained at the Northwest Detention Center. Rudy and everyone else detained are human beings who deserve to be respected and protected, and not be subjected to inhumane conditions inside the detention center. Rudy shouldn't continue to be criminalized for a crime he was coerced into due to the pervasive gang violence in El Salvador. Deporting him with the current system would be complicit in the ongoing systemic human rights abuses occurring in El Salvador. We should not permit Rudy to be deported by a system that marginalizes, strips people of their humanity, and labels them as criminals, he has a right to be free and be with his family. Please sign this petition to show your support for Rudy, and ask for him not to be deported and instead be released.175 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Resistencia N.
‘Ta Caliente 🥵: Battling Climate Change, Ignorant Leaders, and Heat Waves in TexasClimate change is making its debut in Texas this summer, and it's coming in the form of excessive heat and tropical-level humidity. This environmental issue is beginning to pose a threat to public health. Texas leaders like Governor Greg Abbott, Senator Ted Cruz, and Senator John Cornyn are not only denying the existence of climate change, but making the issue worse by continuing to invest in and promote our fossil fuel-dependent economy and by refusing to support legislature that could curb the consequences of climate change. The consequences of this ignorance have been fatal. We know that Black, Indigenous, Latinx and other vulnerable communities will be the ones to suffer from this law the most, and we're already seeing it. In less than 3 weeks, 10 people have died in Laredo, TX due to heat-related illnesses, most, if not all, who were Latinx and elderly. In another case, a Black Texas postal worker died from the heat last month while on the job. These are just a few of the many fatal cases we’ve seen this Summer amid BIPOC Texans. By signing this petition, you are standing up against careless leaders like Abbot who refuse to acknowledge the severity of rising temperatures and extreme heat waves that threaten our communities, health, and environment. Let's protect our comunidad and secure a cooler future for generations to come. 🌍24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Portia L.
End the Detention Death TaxUS Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) currently has no defined limit on the amount of money it will spend to cage the body of a person in removal proceedings. When one of ICE’s deadly cages claim the life from that body, the limit ICE will spend to return them to their loved ones is $0. This Death Tax presents grieving family members with a bill alongside the devastating news that their loved one is gone forever. Forcing families to pay for the retrieval and transportation of loved ones is cruel, inhumane, and unnecessary.110 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Andrew F.
FREE CHAD!We need to empty the NWDC! We cannot and will not wait for the contract to end in 2025. No one should be locked up in a detention center. The NWDC is not a safe place for anyone, it is impossible to social distance, guards often do not wear masks or gloves and there is no contact tracing for ICE employees coming in and out of the facility. As long as he is detained Chad’s health and safety are at risk. Tell ICE to release Chad immediately and fight his deportation! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ¡Necesitamos vaciar el NWDC! No podemos ni esperaremos a que el contrato finalice en 2025. Nadie debe ser encerrado en un centro de detención. El NWDC no es un lugar seguro para nadie, es imposible la distancia social, los guardias a menudo no usan máscaras o guantes y no hay rastreo de contactos para los empleados de ICE que entran y salen de las instalaciones. Mientras esté detenido, la salud y la seguridad de Chad están en peligro. ¡Dígale a ICE que libere a Chad inmediatamente y que luche contra su deportación!142 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Resistencia N.
Stop Ivan's deportation to Mexico!Ivan should not sent to Mexico to die. There have been too many of these cases already, we must demand ICE and the Mexican Consulate in Seattle stop Ivan's deportation! The Mexican government must stop colluding with ICE in deporting gravely ill people! Ivan should be released immediately so he can receive proper medical care. Free Ivan! Free them all!407 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Resistencia N.