Tell Sen Schumer to Back a Clean Dream Act Now!Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) have opportunities to move the Dream Act quickly and cleanly. But after a meeting with President Trump, they announced they had reached a bargain with Donald Trump tying the fate of immigrant youth to militarization of the border. The announcement included no details about legislative language and conflicting reports have already emerged. After Sen Pelosi was interrupted in CA by a group of undocumented youth, she came out the next day and publicly declared that she would work to pass a clean DREAM bill. The undoucmented youth took a stand because our voice voices have excluded from the discussion even though their decision will affect us and our families. Chuck Schumer has yet to make a public statement in support of clean DREAM. If New York claims to lead the "resistance" than we need actions to back up that claim not silence when we need him and others to lead.38 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Yonkers Sanctuary M.
Keep Franklin and Gioconda Ramos Home!The Ramos' case represents the unhinged nature of ICE’s exploits, particularly under a racist and xenophobic president. Donald Trump drew on a false narrative of ‘good’ vs ‘bad’ immigrants to galvanize his base and garner greater public support. However, his expansion of the deportation dragnet demonstrates his intent to indiscriminately detain and deport immigrants. In response to this escalating injustice, we as a community must recognize and elevate the humanity and dignity of all people, regardless of any criminal history or aspect of identity. Without a holistic and inclusive movement, we will ultimately lose our struggle to cultivate peaceful communities.576 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Anna R.
ICE Orders Deportation of Grandmother and Longtime Leader in Fight Against DeportationsOn August 31, Genoveva Ramirez accompanied by other OCAD leaders, her attorney, and various elected officials, appeared before ICE for her check-in. After a two hour wait and abusive treatment which individuals like Congresswoman Schakowsky and IL State Rep. Lisa Hernandez described as “unlike any other treatment [they] have ever received”, ICE once again denied the request for discretion of our ‘Abuelita’ Genoveva Ramirez, a 67 year old grandmother and long-time Chicagoland immigrant and union leader. ICE told Genoveva to return to ICE on September 28 with plane tickets to leave the country before the end of October. While this news weighs heavy on the Ramirez's family, Genoveva herself reminded her supporters that, “We will keep fighting. We have to keep fighting.” Genoveva’s case is not new to Ricardo Wong, ICE Field Director. Since 2013 Genoveva and supporters have shown up in multiple occasions to ask Director Wong to stop her deportation. But this year the local office has decided to continue proceedings against her. Under the Obama administration, Genoveva’s case was treated with discretion multiple times. Under Trump’s leadership, ICE feels empowered to do whatever they want : they have explicitly stated that they no longer have priorities or discretion, and that they will deport anyone, including this grandmother, with no regard whatsoever for consequences for her or her family.325 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Rey W.
Say No to ICE! Boycott Motel 6 for working with immigration agents!The safety of our communities is of the utmost importance and Motel 6's actions have shown that they cannot be trusted. We must boycott Motel 6 and stand against all those who seek to harm our loved ones. Read more about Motel 6's work with ICE here: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/14/us/arizona-motel-6-ice.html?mcubz=0230 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Jeronimo S.
Free the Cuban Asylum Seekers!We demand that ICE immediately parole and release all the Cuban asylum seekers detained at Northwest Detention Center. Approximately 30 Cuban asylum seekers are detained in the Northwest Detention Center at the time of this petition's creation. While their female relatives and children were paroled and released at the Texas border, they were transferred to the Tacoma facility where they have been virtually stonewalled by ICE. More than 14 have participated in a hunger strike since August 27 in an attempt to get ICE to move their processes along. This is the fifth hunger strike at the NWDC so far in 2017, which ICE and GEO Group claim is a model immigration detention facility. Since August 27th, strikers reported threats of being placed on IV and force-feeding, and some strikers were placed in solitary confinement. They also reported that GEO administrators did not monitor their vitals or physical health. Hunger strikers stated that ICE has given different excuses for not releasing them, including telling them that that they cannot determine whether they are Cuban, despite being provided with birth certificates and identification cards; others have stated that ICE has given no explanations or excuse, and some have not even received court dates or interviews with ICE authorities.120 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Resistencia N.
Free the NWDC 3!On August 4th, 2017, GEO guards placed 20 people in solitary confinement because they were protesting a guard assaulting Omar. When detainees yelled at the guard to stop, GEO accused them of "rioting" and placed them in solitary confinement. Over 15 people immediately went on hunger strike, and the NWDC 3 passed the 72 hours mark that ICE recognizes (before this, they were "refusing meals"). After day 5 of hunger strike and facing threats of force feeding and getting weaker due to the lack of food, the 3 decided to stop... for now. Tell ICE & GEO that we will not tolerate guard retaliation, and demand that the NWDC 3 be released immediately! We should not wait for whistleblowers to go on hunger strike for their call to end inhumane conditions. Geo and ICE have created a hostile and violent living environment to end their organizing, their resistance and their call to the public to demand and end to this nightmare. #FreetheNWDC3345 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Resistencia N.
Keep Marco Antonio Reyes Home!Marco’s case represents the unhinged nature of ICE’s exploits, particularly under a racist and xenophobic president. Donald Trump drew on a false narrative of ‘good’ vs ‘bad’ immigrants to galvanize his base and garner greater public support. However, his expansion of the deportation dragnet demonstrates his intent to indiscriminately detain and deport immigrants. In response to this escalating injustice, we as a community must recognize and elevate the humanity and dignity of all people, regardless of any criminal history or aspect of identity. Without a holistic and inclusive movement, we will ultimately lose our struggle to cultivate peaceful communities.1,334 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Unidad L.
Bring Joel Colindres home! Deported on 1/31/18.FAMILY MAN: Joel Colindrés, a Guatemalan born, 14 year resident of the US was set to be deported on August 17th, after receiving notice during a check in with ICE on 7/21/17, giving him just 28 to leave the country or fight his case. Despite years of efforts to obtain legal status and working diligently to become a Citizen, Colindres fell victim to bad representation in addition to a lengthy legal process drawn out by the immigration system. If you followed his story closely since July of 2017, you may recall that just forty minutes before his flight on the deportation date of 8/17/17, his (new) lawyer was able to pause his removal by a verbal stay from the 2nd Circuit Court. Soon thereafter, his case was transferred to the 5th Circuit Court, causing him to loose that protection. Since then, he and his family have been laying low and keeping quiet while they wait for his I-212 to hopefully be approved; one of the last pieces to his journey that if granted, would make him a permanent resident. Since getting the initial deportation date back in July, Joel has complied with all of ICE's requirements, including checking in with ICE two times a week. It was at this recent check in on Thursday, December 28th, 2017 that ICE decided that his time is up, again, despite not being finished with the process. It is their system that is saying his time is up but yet their system that is not ruling on the paperwork in a timely manner. They then issued him another deportation date, giving him and his family another 30 days to live the nightmare they were just in four months ago. All he and his family are requesting is time. Time to review his case and let the process continue. Colindrés has been married to a U.S. citizen for almost eight years and has two American-born children, ages 6 and 3. Colindrés is a hardworking, tax-paying, and loving father and husband, who has worked at the same company for his 13 years here; paying taxes for each of those years via an TIN (Tax payer ID). He is not a criminal, doesn't even have so much as a parking ticket and gives back to the community in which he resides and owns a home in. In the last years, Colindrés has checked in with immigration and was granted a stay of removal. He voluntary went into the immigration process and had been actively trying to become a US citizen. All he is requesting is more time to stay in the United States with his family while he waits for his paperwork to be processed. We are asking ICE to reconsider Colindrés' case and keep this family together. Please also sign our second petition: https://petitions.moveon.org/sign/stop-the-deportation-17?source=c.em.mt&r_by=19584925 Please also follow the Facebook page for live updates and calls to action: https://www.facebook.com/savejoelcolindres/ Please help support the family with relocation expenses below: https://www.gofundme.com/reunite-the-colindres-family #SaveJoelColindres5,465 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Save Joel C.
Stop the Deportation of Lourdes Salazar BautistaLourdes has lived in Ann Arbor for 20 years, she has three U.S. citizen children - she is a devoted mother and community member. Lourdes first came in contact with ICE in 2010, and after being detained for almost a month ICE "traded" Lourdes for her husband. Lourdes' husband was deported and Lourdes was allowed to stay in the United States. Every year Lourdes has to check in with immigration and every year she is granted a stay of removal. In March Lourdes's stay of removal was denied and she has been ordered to buy her plane ticket and leave the country by August 2nd. We are asking ICE to grant Lourdes a stay of removal and keep this family together.8,686 of 9,000 SignaturesCreated by Maria I.
Stop the deportation of Jose Valle RodriguezJose Valle Rodriguez is an Ypsilanti resident, loving husband and father. He has been detained at the Battle Creek Immigration Facility for almost a month after being arrested by ICE officials. Jose has been in the U.S. since he was 17 years old, 12 years ago Jose was a passenger in a car during a traffic stop, and because he was undocumented was taken into detention and was told he would have a court date with immigration. Weeks and months passed but he court papers never arrived because they were sent to the wrong address. Now years later, ICE wants to deport him to El Salvador, one of the world's most dangerous countries. If deported Jose's life could be in danger. Jose's own father-in-law was murdered by a gang and now they are threatening Jose and his family back in El Salvador. Please help stop Jose's deportation and reunite him with his wife and two year old son.845 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Maria I.
Ban Expansion of the Northwest Detention Center!The recent hunger strikes by people detained at the NWDC have brought renewed attention to the deplorable conditions at the GEO-owned facility. The detention center affects not only more than 1,505 people who can be held any given day, but also their children, families, and neighbors who form the backbone of our communities. You can read the full letter at: https://www.scribd.com/document/352037160/NWDCR-Tacoma-Letter-2017339 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Megan Y.
Chicago Should Protect ALL Immigrants from DeportationChicago's Welcoming City Ordinance, which limits collaboration between the Chicago Police Department and ICE, does not protect all immigrants. Specifically, the ordinance leaves without protection many immigrants who have been criminalized or targeted by the Chicago Police Department, a department whose use of "deadly force" was described as "unreasonable" by the U.S. Department of Justice. The "carve-outs" mean that the Chicago Police Department is directed to work with immigration enforcement to deport anyone who has an open warrant, anyone who has been charged with a felony - even if they have not been convicted, anyone who has been convicted of a felony -- regardless of how long ago it was, and anyone who Chicago police department officers placed in the gang database -- which is completely up to each individual officer's criteria and without any checks and balances, or anyone who has an open warrant. Trump's policies of making all immigrants priorities, starting with people whose names he can find in lists like the gang database, make the expansion of these protections that much more urgent. A real Sanctuary city for immigrants would not leave those most targeted and vulnerable without protection from the Trump administration. The carve outs are arbitrary, do not increase public safety, disrespect due process and are extremely harmful to our community. +++++++++++++++ The expansion of the Welcoming City Ordinance is part the campaign to Expand Sanctuary, and is one of several pieces of policy that local organizations are advocating for at the City, including the elimination of the gang database, decriminalization policies, and measures to increase police accountability. Find out more about the campaign here: http://bit.ly/2qE9BOb #ExpandSanctuary93 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tania U.