Stop ICE in Their Tracks! NO Vans for ICE!For the past few weeks, immigrant communities across the country have been living in fear, while thousands languish in atrocious conditions in detention facilities and camps. ICE has been given a blank check by the current administration to perpetrate human rights abuses and feed the detention and deportation machinery. Companies like Enterprise have a choice to make. You can either align yourself with an administration that is openly anti-immigrant and an immigration system that is cruel and unjust, or you can get on the right side of history and choose dignity for all.1,823 of 2,000 Signatures
Tell Mayor Lightfoot To Sign Executive Order to Protect Chicagoans Before Trump's Raids StartTwo top officials in DHS confirmed the agency will carry out raids targeting over 2,000 families in 10 major cities including Chicago. Community groups believe the Mayor can do more to protect those under attack by the Trump administration's aggressive immigration enforcement policies. On June 29, 2019, the Lightfoot administration received a copy of an Executive Order (EO) drafted by community groups responding to raids and deportations across the city on a daily basis. With the threat of massive enforcement operations targeting families due on Sunday, the Immigration Working group asked the administration to sign the EO as soon as possible and asked for an answer from the Mayor's office by July 11. ANY Executive Order or action by the Mayor that does not include the key points of the community's Executive Order will not be enough to protect our families from this threat. While the Mayor has stated publicly that she ended ICE's access to the city's databases, the Executive Order addresses other loopholes ICE and DHS agents can use to carry out raids in Chicago. Call the Mayor's office, leave a message asking her to sign the Executive Order to end Police-ICE collaboration in Chicago now. Script: Hi, my name is ___ and I am calling to demand that Mayor Lightfoot honors her commitment to protect Chicagoans from ICE raids by implementing the Immigration Working Group’s draft Executive Order sent to her office June 28, 2019. With the threat of raids starting this Sunday, we ask the Mayor to sign the order that would ensure the Chicago Police Department is not assisting ICE in any way to carry out these raids. The Executive Order would also ensure that DHS agents and ICE agents do not have access to the city’s databases. Mayor’s Office, City of Chicago: (312) 744-33001,786 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Rey W.
Demand ICE to Release DACA Recipient and OCAD's Family Member, Beto, from Immigration DetentionOn May 21, 2019, beloved OCAD staff Miguel Lopez received a call alerting him that his youngest brother, Jesus Alberto Lopez Gutierrez (A-204588492), a long time resident of Chicago, was turned into Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody after a traffic stop by a local Iowa police officer on his way home from a camping trip. Jesus Alberto, or Beto, came to the United States when he was nine years old and has lived in Chicago since 2005. He graduated from Solorio Academy High School in June 2014 and began working to support his family that same year. Jesus Alberto applied for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and, in February 2013, his application was approved by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). As the youngest member of his nuclear family, Jesus contributes the majority of his wages to ensure his family’s financial stability. He is in charge of providing care and physical support for his aging parents, both diagnosed with diabetes, and his elderly grandmother who requires constant care and assistance. Jesus would spend most of his days working but, in his free time, he likes to go running in the neighborhood park and enjoys camping trips with his friends. Since his detention in May, Beto's family and community launched a campaign to stop his deportation but by September, the immigration judge overseeing his case ordered his removal. But Beto is not giving up, with the support of his legal team he decided to sue the agencies that are keeping him locked up and away from his family. Morever, ICE’s top officials in Minnesota have the authority to release Jesus from detention so that he has the opportunity to apply for DACA. Sign the petition to demand Minnesota ICE Field Director Peter Berg to release Jesus Lopez immediately from Freeborn County Jail in Minnesota on his own recognizance and allow him to proceed with his DACA renewal process. ******** Español ********** El 21 de mayo de 2019, el querido miembro de OCAD, Miguel López, recibió una llamada para alertarlo de que su hermano menor, Jesús Alberto López Gutiérrez (A-204588492), residente de Chicago desde hace mucho tiempo, se encontraba en custodia de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE) después ser detenido por un oficial de policía local de Iowa en camino a casa después de un viaje de campamento. Jesús Alberto vino a los Estados Unidos cuando tenía nueve años y ha vivido en Chicago desde 2005. Se graduó de Solorio Academy High School en junio de 2014 y comenzó a trabajar para mantener a su familia ese mismo año. En Febrero del 2013 Jesús Alberto solicitó el programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA) y su solicitud fue aprobada por los Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos (USCIS). Como el miembro más joven de su familia nuclear, Jesús contribuye con la mayoría de sus salarios para garantizar la estabilidad financiera de su familia. Está a cargo de brindar atención y apoyo físico a sus padres, ambos diagnosticados con diabetes, y a su abuela que requiere atención y asistencia constantes. Jesús pasaba la mayor parte de sus días trabajando pero, en su tiempo libre, le gusta correr en el parque del vecindario y disfruta de los viajes de campamento con sus amigos. Desde su detención en Mayo, su familia y la comunidad de Beto lanzaron una campaña para detener su deportación, pero para Septiembre, el juez de inmigración que supervisaba su caso ordenó su expulsión del pais. Pero Beto no se rinde, con el apoyo de su equipo legal, decidió demandar a las agencias que lo mantienen encerrado y alejado de su familia. Los principales funcionarios de ICE en Minnesota tienen la autoridad de liberar a Jesús de la detención para que él tenga la oportunidad de luchar contra sus casos y continuar con sus responsabilidades familiares y laborales sin la injusta intervención de ICE que intencionalmente lo descarrila sin opción. Firme la petición para exigir que el Director de Campo de ICE Peter Berg libere a Jesús López inmediatamente de la cárcel del condado de Freeborn en su propio reconocimiento y le permita continuar con su proceso de renovación de DACA.5,571 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Miguel L.
Help Stop Cristian's Deportation!We need support each other and work to end all deportations!416 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Welcoming Cicero C.
Sign Now: Tell ICE Director to release Francisco!It’s hard to an estimate official number on how many queer and gender-nonconforming people ICE is currently detaining, but Francisco is one of them. He has been detained at Dodge Detention Center since October of 2018, far from his friends and the community that is fighting for his release. In late March 2020, his attorneys filed a humanitarian parole request to the ICE field director asking for his release given the current COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, despite the community support, this request was denied. Francisco remains detained by ICE although he has been granted relief twice by an immigration judge, he has now been detained for over a year and a half. In another attempt to gain his release, his attorneys have filed a habeas petition. We know Robert Guadian, ICE field office director, has the power to grant Francisco his release. We ask that you email the field office director and let him know that we support Francisco. We need Francisco released now!301 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Jeanette M.
No Detention in a Sanctuary City!Last fall, profit-driven detention company VisionQuest announced plans to detain 60 Central American youth within Philadelphia, a sanctuary city. In response to this announcement, the community mounted fierce opposition. Philadelphia denied VisionQuest’s permit application, affirming its status as a sanctuary city and protecting immigrant youth from a detention company with a decades-long track record of physical and emotional abuse -- and even death. But the fight is not over. VisionQuest, which stands to reap $5.3 million on this immigrant youth jail contract, has now filed a lawsuit against the city. The company is claiming “discrimination” because the city has said no to locking up Central American youth here. On June 13th the courts sided with VisionQuest stating that allowing them to open their detention center now will cause "no adverse impact on or jeopardy of health, safety, or welfare of the employees of VisionQuest or the children placed in the shelter." even after multiple employees have come out publicly stating that the North Philadelphia location “Is not safe for us right now….“How would it be safe for the kids?” We ask that you join us in demanding that Visionquest stop pursuing the opening of their child detention center! VisionQuest is a company with a shocking record of abuse going back decades. Between the company’s founding in 1973 and 1991, twelve children died while being held in VisionQuest’s “care.” In 2017, VisionQuest closed its previous youth jail in Philadelphia after staffers punched, choked, and demeaned children being held there. Philadelphia youth subjected to VisionQuest have also reported being held in restraints, having ribs broken, and being burned with an iron. Speaking up in defense of their undocumented peers, these youth leaders have declared VisionQuest unsafe for youth. Questioned about such abuses in a public meeting, the company dismissed them as past events and argued that the new immigrant youth jail would “revitalize” the neighborhood and “create jobs” for the community -- absurd justifications that community members rejected. These community members prevailed when city officials rejected a new detention-for-profit scheme in our city. Help us keep winning in this fight by signing this petition and sharing it with your networks. En la lucha Juntos1,694 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Juntos i.
Free Jesús Lorenzo-Ávila from physical abuse and retaliationFor the better part of a year, Jesús Lorenzo-Ávila suffered multiple instances of physical and retaliatory abuse at the hands of El Paso Service Processing Center detention facility staff. Verbal harassment and vindictive retaliation now continue at the Otero County Processing Center. For his safety, we demand the immediate release of Jesús from ICE custody. Last year at the El Paso Service Processing Center, Jesús was falsely accused of breaking facility rules and placed in prolonged solitary confinement on multiple occasions. At this detention facility, local advocacy groups have documented a recurring pattern of false accusations and retaliatory use of solitary. Targeted for his sexual orientation, and for his courage to assert his rights, Jesús suffered multiple instances of solitary confinement. In January of this year, the retaliation reached a crescendo when Jesús was beaten by a guard and taken to the hospital. Upon his return to the facility, staff falsely accused him of having assaulted the guard. Jesús was placed back into solitary, denied friend and legal visits, and on one occasion left in his cell in his underwear for not donning the red uniform indicative of high security individuals. Jesús refuses to be treated as a criminal by the very criminals who assault him, and covered it up. Now at the Otero County Processing Center, Jesús is again being targeted for retaliation. At Otero, he spent 30 days in solitary confinement, was released for a single day, again falsely accused by facility staff, and placed back into solitary for at least another 15 days. Right now he is in solitary confinement. Facility staff at both El Paso and Otero rely on fear and intimidation to keep people quietly compliant when their rights are violated. When someone like Jesús courageously stands up without fear to speak up for himself and those around him, the consequences are violent. Clearly Jesús is not safe in a detention facility. He has been discriminated against, violently beaten, and psychologically tortured in solitary confinement by privately contracted detention center staff. ICE is fully complicit with this treatment. For his own safety, Jesús must be released from detention. We also demand an investigation into the abuses at both the El Paso and Otero facilities, and for those who are responsible to be held accountable. ____________________________________________________________________ UNIVISION story covering Jesús “Esto es tortura”: Así hablan los inmigrantes que han sido aislados por tiempo prolongado en celdas de castigo | “Victims of torture?” Immigrants complain of lengthy punishment in solitary confinement cells". https://tinyurl.com/y428qkb2 Recent News about conditions impacting the safety of LGBTQ persons detained at Otero ACLU-NM. Letter of Complaint. “Detention Conditions Impacting the Safety and Well-Being of LGBTQ Immigrants in the Otero County Processing Center.” Letter of Complaint, March 25, 2019. https://www.aclu-nm.org/sites/default/files/field_documents/advance_copy_of_3.25.2019_las_americas_santa_fe_dreamers_project_aclu-nm_letter_to_dhs_re_otero.pdf Bixby, Scott. “Trans Migrant Women in ICE Detention Allegedly Told to Bathe With Men.” The Daily Beast, March 27, 2019, sec. politics. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trans-migrant-women-in-ice-detention-allegedly-told-to-bathe-with-men Moore, Robert. “Gay, Transgender Detainees Allege Abuse at ICE Facility in New Mexico.” Washington Post, March 25, 2019. https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/gay-transgender-detainees-allege-abuse-at-ice-facility-in-new-mexico/2019/03/25/e33ad6b6-4f10-11e9-a3f7-78b7525a8d5f_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.cd3ec8a69a9d107 of 200 SignaturesCreated by AVID i.
314 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Welcoming Cicero C.
Get Madres Out of Detention, Free Sandra Orozco!Call ICE Director Henry Lucero at ICE headquarters at (602) 200-2215 to let her go home with her children. Sample Script: “I would like to leave a message to ICE Director Henry Lucero. I’m calling in support of Sandra Ramos, A# 078676226 she is a loving single mother of four children who are currently without a home right now. I’m aware that Ms. Ramos had a traffic violation but she has young children who need their mom home. Ms. Ramos’s case has garnered public attention and many are looking more closely into the case. I urge to use your prosecutorial discretion to keep Sandra home with her children. Thank you.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeFLgGZwcIE&feature=youtu.be542 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Puente H.
BREAKING: ICE Detains Immigrant in Retaliation for Lawsuit on Detainer PoliciesJose Montelongo is an immigrant from Arizona who just this January sued a local Sheriff for his 48hr detainer policy, that allows the re-arrest of undocumented people for up to 48-hours after they have been released on all state and local charges. ICE lifted the detainer on Jose after the jail commander informed their agency that Jose was likely to succeed on the merits of his emergency request for a Temporary Restraining Order on the Sheriff’s policy. Jose was successfully released on a $200.00 bond from the Coconino County Jail on February 14, 2019, and welcomed with open arms by his children, family, and community. Since his release, ICE has been surveilling the Flagstaff community. On April 18-19 agents targeted immigrant communities in the cities of Flagstaff and Sedona, searching for Jose. ICE detained and threatened loved ones of Jose, who were told that if they did not tell ICE agents Jose’s location, they would go after their family; ICE kept their promise. At least two who were detained were shown files on various members of the community full of information collected through heavy surveillance. Jose’s father was told, “The more attention this gets, the worse it will be for your family.” He refused to speak and is now in Eloy Detention Center awaiting a bond hearing. This is an egregious attack by ICE to chill undocumented people from exercising their civil rights and terrorize communities and organizers. https://youtu.be/eOsD9GO3xqU Jose has lived in Flagstaff since he was 9 years old, for close to 20 years. Last December he was booked into the Coconino County Jail after being pulled over for going 2 miles over the speed limit. He had a failure to appear warrant from 2016 that was unresolved due to a previous voluntary departure in 2016. Jose returned to the United States after his life was threatened and his children’s mother was having trouble caring for his two oldest children on her own. According to Jose, it was made clear to him by ICE agents that the raids and his detention were retaliation for his lawsuit, stating that he should not have let himself be convinced by others he could exercise his rights. After a heavily armed, warrantless and inhumane action led by ICE to capture Jose, agents pulled into a Home Depot parking lot in Cottonwood, Arizona, and thanked him for the raises they would receive, adding plainly that he had brought this upon himself for filing a lawsuit against the Coconino County Sheriff. As recently decided in a federal appeals court case, retaliatory actions towards undocumented activists and advocates are a violation of our first amendment rights.1,203 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Mijente
Trans Woman Asylum Seeker Has Been Re-detained!Nicole Garcia Aguilar is a trans woman who fled Honduras after surviving a violent attack and death threats. Despite being granted asylum in the U.S., ICE detained her unlawfully and placed her in solitary confinement for months. Coverage by the Associated Press and the Guardian: https://apnews.com/04032e8265fe45789a581c2e7ada3823?fbclid=IwAR0tPJ5C-00AQiQ5kl7RK4k9rWbFJKuki5lo6HuhZOkUFptXjdP29Gj-XnI https://amp.theguardian.com/global-development/2019/apr/19/honduran-transgender-woman-nicole-garcia-aguilar-freed-us-detention?CMP=share_btn_tw&__twitter_impression=true570 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Mijente i.
Stop the Deportation of Nigerien Opposition ActivistAli Marounfa (also known as Ali Tera), was born in Niger, West Africa and has lived in the United States for the past thirty years. Ali, 58, has two teenage daughters who are US citizens. A political activist with the Moden Fa Lumana part and the past president of the Niger Association in North Carolina who has publicly denounced corruption in the governing administration, he has been held in Stewart Detention Center in Georgia since June 2017, reportedly detained at the request of the government of President Mahamadou Issoufou, who currently hosts US military bases in Niger. He is not a criminal or a terrorist. Ali has been ordered deported by April 4, 2019. In addition to cruelly separating his family to pay back a Trump foreign policy ally, Ali's family fears his deportation would result in his imprisonment and torture. According to Amnesty International, other members of Moden Fa Lumana have received prison terms for criticizing the government on social media: https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/africa/niger/report-niger/ Sen. Tillis has intervened to demand that ICE support other political activists like Liu Xia of China (https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/1587/cosponsors?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22%5C%22section+245+of+the+Immigration+and+Nationality+Act%5C%22+and+%5C%22for+the+relief+of%5C%22%22%5D%7D&r=23). He should act now to stop this politically motivated family separation.1,153 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Siembra N.