• Tell the Student Loan Collectors to Lose the Paperwork!
    According to a recent New York Times article, "tens of thousands of people who took out private loans to pay for college but have not been able to keep up payments may get their debts wiped away because critical paperwork is missing." This is a fantastic idea! The article goes on to report that "many people with private student loans end up shouldering debt that they never earn enough to repay... private loans lack that flexibility, and they often carry interest rates that can reach double digits. Because of those steep rates, the size of the loans can quickly balloon, leaving borrowers to pay hundreds and, in some cases, thousands of dollars each month." However, someone at National Collegiate has the opportunity to make it all go away. In 2014, Chilean artist Papas Fritas burned the paperwork for thousands of dollars of student debt in that country. This is an opportunity to do the same. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKkmY-DKI78 Education should be a right, not an opportunity for predatory lenders to make a fortune. It is time for increased protections for borrowers and more regulation of private lenders to avoid the exploitation of people seeking access to higher education.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeronimo S.
  • Remove Immigrant Father from Gang Database, Review its Content
    On May 1st, 2017 Wilmer Catalan Ramirez filed a lawsuit for the excessive use of force that ICE used when they raided his home, and the Chicago Police Department and the City of Chicago for wrongfully putting him in the gang database. Chicago’s mayor and city council should be advocates for every city resident who falls victim to Trump’s deportation force, but especially for those whose physical well-being is in danger and those who the city has had a specific role in leading to his wrongful detention. Wilmer's detention was part of a national immigration raid targeting suspected gang members. It is clear that ICE wouldn’t have targeted Wilmer if it wasn’t for the Chicago police department. The police created the gang database at Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s request in 2012 as part of his efforts to be ‘tough on crime.’ But since then, it has proven to be like other lists of names compiled by police in other parts of the country: arbitrary, discriminatory, and with dire consequences for those whose names get entered. Wilmer didn’t find out he was on the list until ICE agents cited it as the reason they broke down his door. He never had a chance to look at the evidence and defend himself. Join us in asking Mayor Emanuel and the city council for the least they could do to correct this error and advocate for Wilmer’s release, and start to review the procedures and content of the Chicago gang database.
    818 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Antonio G.
  • Stop the Deportation of Lourdes Salazar Bautista
    Lourdes has lived in Ann Arbor for 20 years, she has three U.S. citizen children - she is a devoted mother and community member. Lourdes first came in contact with ICE in 2010, and after being detained for almost a month ICE "traded" Lourdes for her husband. Lourdes' husband was deported and Lourdes was allowed to stay in the United States. Every year Lourdes has to check in with immigration and every year she is granted a stay of removal. In March Lourdes's stay of removal was denied and she has been ordered to buy her plane ticket and leave the country by August 2nd. We are asking ICE to grant Lourdes a stay of removal and keep this family together.
    8,686 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Maria I.
  • Don't let Bakersfield cops get away with killing an abuelito! Justicia Para Francisco Serna
    According to a 2015 report by Mapping Police Violence, the Bakersfield Police Department was found to have killed more people per million residents than any other large police department in the United States. Between the start of 2013 and the end of 2015, 29 people had been killed by law enforcement officers in kern county . Mapping Police Violence identified two of those people as black. Thirteen of those killed by police were identified by the group as Hispanic, ten were white, one was Asian, and three were racially unidentified. In December of 2016, California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris opened separate civil pattern or practice investigations into the Kern County Sheriff’s Office and the Bakersfield Police Department . “Excessive use of force and police misconduct erode and undermine the public’s trust in our law enforcement agencies,” Attorney General Harris said. “These investigations will objectively, impartially, and thoroughly examine whether the Kern County Sheriff’s Office or the Bakersfield Police Department engaged in a pattern or practice of excessive force or other civil rights violations." We seek justice for Francisco Serna. We demand a criminal justice system that ceases to criminalize communities of color and no longer permits the violence committed against our bodies to be seen as lawful . This abuelito's life mattered and we must not allow his death to be in vain.
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeronimo S.
  • Stop the deportation of Jose Valle Rodriguez
    Jose Valle Rodriguez is an Ypsilanti resident, loving husband and father. He has been detained at the Battle Creek Immigration Facility for almost a month after being arrested by ICE officials. Jose has been in the U.S. since he was 17 years old, 12 years ago Jose was a passenger in a car during a traffic stop, and because he was undocumented was taken into detention and was told he would have a court date with immigration. Weeks and months passed but he court papers never arrived because they were sent to the wrong address. Now years later, ICE wants to deport him to El Salvador, one of the world's most dangerous countries. If deported Jose's life could be in danger. Jose's own father-in-law was murdered by a gang and now they are threatening Jose and his family back in El Salvador. Please help stop Jose's deportation and reunite him with his wife and two year old son.
    845 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Maria I.
  • Freedom4Dajon - Youth Charged as Adult - Awaiting Trial 4 Years
    Youth should not be charged as adults. Youth being charged as adults is one of the most important justice issues in California. The fate of the young people who have a shot at going back to juvenile court because of Prop 57 is of th utmost importance. #DreamBeyondBars #Freedom4Dajon Please sign this petition and show District Attorney Nancy O'Malley and the Judge that the community supports Dajon and does NOT want to see him treated as an adult.
    582 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Prince W.
  • Ban Expansion of the Northwest Detention Center!
    The recent hunger strikes by people detained at the NWDC have brought renewed attention to the deplorable conditions at the GEO-owned facility. The detention center affects not only more than 1,505 people who can be held any given day, but also their children, families, and neighbors who form the backbone of our communities. You can read the full letter at: https://www.scribd.com/document/352037160/NWDCR-Tacoma-Letter-2017
    336 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Megan Y.
  • PHX PD Release Police Report
    On March 23 2017, Francisco Valdez, a 24 year old Mexicano/Venezolano was murdered by PHX Police Department after his mother made a call that he was in emotional distress. She thought police would provide help to her son and make sure he didn't hurt himself. Shortly after arriving, police officers shot Francisco, who was unarmed, in the back four times in his mother’s living room. Instead of providing help, the police ended his life and devastated his family and his entire community. Three months after the incident, the Phoenix Police Department and the Office of Public Records refuses to release the police report. Frascisco’s mother, Lorenza Valdez has submitted a records request with no results. Puente Movement and Center for Neighborhood Leadership have submitted their own requests and Public Records has refused to release it. Both organizations have made multiple attempts at getting the exact language in city policy or law that points to the PHX PD’s right to withhold a police report for three months and no response has been given. At a Phoenix City Council meeting on May 10, Councilmember Nowakowski made a request for the report and has also been denied access. What are Phoenix PD and the City of Phoenix hiding? TODAY we need the entire community to stand up to this City and Department’s lack of accountability and transparency. Sign this petition and share it widely. Demand Phoenix PD Chief Jeri Williams and Mayor Greg Stanton to release the police report immediately!
    383 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Viridiana H.
  • Tell pinche Spotify that Justin Beiber is most definitely NOT Latino!
    We can not tolerate the commodification of our culture. Recording a song in Spanish does not make you a Latino and referring to Justin Bieber as a Latin King is just plain ignorant. Even worse, Gabe Bergado recently wrote an article for Teen Vogue calling Spotify out for making a Pulse playlist with almost no Latinx artists. To Spotify's credit, they eventually responded to the backlash by adding Latinx artists to the list. We hope they take this petition into consideration, pull the Justin Beiber add, and think twice before their next ad.
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jeronimo S.
    Since 1899, that statue has been a hateful symbol of the brutality of slavery; it memorializes white supremacy and human bondage. Even today, racists and klansmen continue to worship it . . . Yet we know it only represents those people who continue to support the racist agenda of white supremacists. We cannot continue to display hateful symbols in public . . . . TAKE THE STATUE DOWN!
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronald S.
  • Chicago Should Protect ALL Immigrants from Deportation
    Chicago's Welcoming City Ordinance, which limits collaboration between the Chicago Police Department and ICE, does not protect all immigrants. Specifically, the ordinance leaves without protection many immigrants who have been criminalized or targeted by the Chicago Police Department, a department whose use of "deadly force" was described as "unreasonable" by the U.S. Department of Justice. The "carve-outs" mean that the Chicago Police Department is directed to work with immigration enforcement to deport anyone who has an open warrant, anyone who has been charged with a felony - even if they have not been convicted, anyone who has been convicted of a felony -- regardless of how long ago it was, and anyone who Chicago police department officers placed in the gang database -- which is completely up to each individual officer's criteria and without any checks and balances, or anyone who has an open warrant. Trump's policies of making all immigrants priorities, starting with people whose names he can find in lists like the gang database, make the expansion of these protections that much more urgent. A real Sanctuary city for immigrants would not leave those most targeted and vulnerable without protection from the Trump administration. The carve outs are arbitrary, do not increase public safety, disrespect due process and are extremely harmful to our community. +++++++++++++++ The expansion of the Welcoming City Ordinance is part the campaign to Expand Sanctuary, and is one of several pieces of policy that local organizations are advocating for at the City, including the elimination of the gang database, decriminalization policies, and measures to increase police accountability. Find out more about the campaign here: http://bit.ly/2qE9BOb #ExpandSanctuary
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tania U.
  • Stop Francisco's Deportation!
    Mr. Rodriguez has lived in the U.S. since 2006. He has lived in the greater Boston area for 10 years, specifically in Chelsea for the last 6 years. He is the father of two American citizen children, 10-year-old Mellanie and a 5-year-old Jessica, and a baby on the way. For the past five years, he has been a janitor at MIT. In addition, he runs his own carpet cleaning company. He is a member of his children’s school parent committee, of the community organization Chelsea Collaborative, of the Church Tabernaculo biblico seguidores de Jesus, and a union member of 32BJ SEIU (Service Employees International Union) at MIT. Mr. Rodriguez has no criminal record, pays his taxes, and contributes to his community, church, children’s school and workplace. When Mr. Rodriguez arrived to the country, he applied for asylum in 2007. He was denied asylum in December of 2009, and his appeal was denied in July of 2011. He was later granted prosecutorial discretion and has received a Stay of Removal every year since that time. However this past month, when Francisco applied for a Stay, it was denied. If ICE grants Mr. Rodriguez a Stay of Removal, he can continue to work, take care of his family, and contribute to our community. In addition, next year Mr. Rodriguez’s mother, who is a legal permanent resident, will become a citizen. Soon afterwards, a pathway to residency will open for Francisco when his mother files a petition on his behalf. We ask that you grant Mr. Rodriguez a Stay of Removal so that he can take care of his family, particularly his U.S. citizen young children and elderly legal permanent resident mother, while he waits for his pathway to residency and citizenship to open. For as long as Francisco remains in the United States, I am certain he will continue to be an exceptional member of our community. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// Por favor conceda al Sr. Francisco Rodríguez Guardado Moción de Suspensión de la Deportación. Sr. Rodríguez es padre de dos niñas ciudadanas de los Estados Unidos. Él y su esposa está esperando un bebé que viene en camino. Francisco y su familia son miembros queridos por la comunidad de Chelsea. El Sr. Rodríguez ha vivido en los Estados Unidos desde el 2006. Francisco vivió en la área de Boston durante 10 años, y durante los últimos 6 años han vivido en Chelsea. Él es padre de dos niñas ciudadanas estadounidenses, Mellanie de 10 años y Jessica de 5 años, y un bebé en camino. Durante los últimos cinco años ha sido trabajador de limpieza en la Universidad MIT. Además, dirige su propia empresa de limpieza de alfombras. Es miembro del comité de padres escolares de sus hijas, de la organización comunitaria la Colaborativa de Chelsea, de la Iglesia Tabernáculo Bíblico Seguidores de Jesús, y miembro del sindicato 32BJ SEIU (Unión Internacional de Empleados de Servicio) en el MIT. Sr. Rodríguez no tiene antecedentes penales, paga sus impuestos y contribuye a su comunidad, iglesia, escuela para niños y lugar de trabajo. Cuando Sr. Rodríguez llegó al país, solicitó asilo en 2007. Se le negó el asilo en Diciembre de 2009 y su apelación fue denegada en Julio de 2011. Más tarde se le otorgó la discreción de la fiscalía y ha recibido una suspensión de su expulsión cada año desde ese tiempo. Sin embargo, este mes pasado, cuando Francisco solicitó una suspensión, fue negada. Si ICE concede al Sr. Rodríguez una suspensión de la expulsión, puede continuar trabajando, cuidando a su familia y contribuyendo a nuestra comunidad. Además, el próximo año la madre del señor Rodríguez, que es un residente permanente legal, se convertirá en ciudadana. Poco después, se abrirá un camino a la residencia para Francisco cuando su madre presenta una petición en su nombre. Le pedimos que conceda al Sr. Rodríguez una suspensión para que pueda cuidar a su familia, particularmente a sus hijas ciudadanas de Estados Unidos y a su madre residente permanente, mientras espera que se abra su camino a la residencia y la ciudadanía. Mientras Francisco permanezca en los Estados Unidos, estoy seguro que seguirá siendo un miembro excepcional de nuestra comunidad.
    3,992 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Riahl O.