• Stop Ibrahim Momin from being #DeportedToDeath to Bangladesh
    Ibrahim Momin and his two brothers fled Bangladesh in 2009 after being brutally beaten because of his father's political activities. Ibrahim traveled to Ecuador, and traveled across land through at least seven countries for nearly a year in order to seek safety to the United States. However, Ibrahim has faced a constant series of challenges in finding safety here. He has had encounters with the police which led to him being turned over to ICE. He has been sent to immigration detention centers in Alabama, Louisiana, and New Jersey multiple times and has served many months on the inside. He has had his asylum cases denied despite concrete evidence and documentation of the threats he faces, including the murder of his father while Ibrahim was still in detention. While Ibrahim has not been detained, he worked in restaurants in order to support himself, support his families, and get his life on track. Ibrahim was once again detained in on September 29th 2017 from his workplace in Astoria, Queens in NYC by NYPD and ICE officers. He is currently being held at Pine Prairie ICE Processing Center in Louisiana. Extrajudicial killings in Bangladesh have been well documented, including by the U.S. State Department. Sending Ibrahim back to Bangladesh would mean him being #DeportedToDeath IBRAHIM MUST BE REALEASED NOW! Please Take a Moment to make a call and Demand Ibrahim's Release Newark ICE Field Office: 973-776-3240 - Press 2, then - Press 4 Sample Script: "Hi, my name is __, and I am calling to demand that you release Ibrahim Momin (A# 088 440 468). Ibrahim fled Bangladesh after a brutal attack as a result of his father's political activities and affiliations. After Ibrahim fled to save his life, his father was killed by his political opponents. Ibrahim life will be in danger should he be deported back to Bangladesh. He should be released so he can continue building his life with safety."
    169 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Fahd A.
  • Say No to Hate: Unwelcome the White Supremacist Gathering in Shelbyville / No Al Odio en Shelbyville
    Last week, the white supremacist groups responsible for the tragic events in Charlottesville, announced plans to hold a similar rally in Shelbyville, TN. As explained by Sharon Edwards, one of the organizers of the #ShelbyvilleLovesDiversity campaign, "It is of the utmost importance that all Shelbyvillians—and Tennesseans at large—fully understand the philosophies of those invading our public spaces. They are not, ‘good ole country boys.’ These people advocate for the stripping away of rights, and/or complete removal of, anyone who is non-white and non-Christian to create a nation where only whites are recognized as citizens." Now is not the time for silence. Shelbyville needs to know where our public officials stand. We call on all of Tennessee’s elected officials, candidates for office, ministers, business owners, and all responsible leaders of every political persuasion to issue public statements that white supremacist hate groups are not welcome in our city or our state. "As Shelbyville residents, we have been harassed by white supremacist groups who come to march in our town many times in the past, but this is our home and we deserve to feel safe and supported here. Support us by sharing this petition." -Rigo, Rosa, Nancy, Carmen, Alma, Antonio, Tomas, on behalf of Shelbyville community residents. --- La semana pasada, los grupos de supremacía blanca responsables por los eventos trágicos en Charlottesville, anunciaron planes para tener un evento similar en Shelbyville. En las palabras de Sharon Edwards, una organizadora de la campaña #ShelbyvilleLovesDiversity, "Es sumamente importante que nosotros en Shelbyville -y toda la gente de Tennessee- entienden las filosofías de los que están invadiendo nuestros espacios públicos. Estos no son 'chavos buenos del campo.' Ellos están a favor de quitar derechos, o expulsar, a cualquier persona quien no es blanco o quien no es Cristiano, para crear un país en que solo personas blancas son reconocidas como ciudadanos." Ahora no es el momento para mantener silencio. Now is not the time for silence. Shelbyville tiene que saber si nos respalden nuestros oficiales públicos. Hacemos un llamado a todos los oficiales elegidos, candidatos, pastors, empresarios, y otros líderes responsables de cualquier orientación política para declarar que los grupos de odio y supremacía blanca no son bienvenidos en nuestra ciudad ni en nuestro estado. "Como residentes de Shelbyville, nos han acosado grupos de supremacía blanca quienes vienen a nuestro pueblo para marchar varias veces en el pasado, pero este es nuestro hogar y merecemos sentir seguros y apoyados aquí. Apóyanos compartiendo esta petición." -Rigo, Rosa, Nancy, Carmen, Alma, Antonio, Tomas, en nombre de residentes de la comunidad de Shelbyville
    745 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Felipe T.
  • ICE Detained a Santa Ana Father As He Went to Work! Demand His Release!
    Israel Barrios Mendoza (A# 205 926 915), is a working father of 6 U.S Citizen Children. He lives to provide for his family and spends most of his time making sure his wife and children have everything they need. Border Patrol detained Israel this morning on his driveway as he was getting ready to go to work! He is currently detained by ICE in the Otay Mesa Detention Center in San Diego. Israel’s eldest son, is a 19-year old student who currently attends Santa Ana College and wants to become a writer one day. With his father in Border Patrol custody, his future and career plans are now in limbo since Israel is the main provider in the family and covers all costs his children need to fulfill their goals and dreams. Israel and his family have credible reasons to believe that his life will be in danger should he be deported back to Mexico. The government shouldn’t be in the business of separating families and needs to obey the due process and constitutional rights of every immigrant including Israel. They should release him immediately under an order of supervision so that he can obtain legal counsel to fight his case alongside his wife and children. ISRAEL MUST BE REALEASED NOW! Please Take a Moment to make a call and Demand Israel's Release San Diego Field Office: 619-436-0410 Otay Detention Center: 619-661-3823 Sample Script: "Hi, my name is __, and I am calling to demand that you release Israel Barrios Mendoza (A# 205 926 915). Israel is a father of 6 US Citizen Children, whom he works tirelessly to support. Israel has a credible reason to believe that his life will be in danger should he be deported back to Mexico. He should be released so he can be with his family today!"
    1,209 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Hairo C. Picture
  • Let Sajuti Stay!
    We must acknowledge that the deportation machinery signifies but one component of a system based on white supremacy and genocide against black and brown people. Death, detention, and deportation represent primary forms of state violence against the people. Sujitno has been a victim of institutionalized bigotry against Muslims, as well as historic racism against black and brown people. We must clearly target and address these issues if we truly want to cultivate a just and peaceable community.
    382 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Alok B.
  • Detention Centers Are Not Correctional Facilities!
    On May 4, 2017, GEO Group filed a complaint against the City of Tacoma, claiming that the NWDC is a correctional facility, and should be granted preferential treatment as an "essential public facility." On September 20, 2017, the State of Washington filed suit against GEO Group for violating minimum wage laws, noting that the NWDC is not a correctional facility. We call on the City to acknowledge this legal distinction and call on GEO Group to respect city, state and federal laws.
    152 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Resistencia N. Picture
  • Stop Targeting Abuelitas Selling Candy on the Street in Back of the Yards to Make the City Money
    Alderman Raymond Lopez has suggested that the City of Chicago hire more police officers to enforce all the laws in the books, as a way to give out more tickets and increase the City budget. Specifically, he has mentioned going after people selling elotes, candy or other items on the sidewalks; people who are playing loud music; and Taco makers who are trying to make ends meet by selling from home. Meanwhile, the budget for police in Chicago makes up 40% of the entire city budget. In addition to that, just in 2016 City of Chicago taxpayers were responsible for covering $52 million on police misconduct payouts and litigation. And recently, Mayor Emanuel proposed a $95 million dollar police training academy. It doesn't make sense to pay the City debts on the backs of our communities, especially when there is so much money being spent already on policing and criminalization. You can read more about his stance here: https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/ald-lopez-wants-city-to-hire-50-super-ticket-writers/, and on his facebook page, here: https://www.facebook.com/RLopez15thWard/ #firelopez #defundthepolice #nocopacademy
    440 of 500 Signatures
  • Release hunger striking asylum-seekers from Northwest Detention Center
    Since June, the detention center in Tacoma has held up to 56 asylum seekers from Cuba who claimed asylum and passed credible fear tests at the US-Mexico border. ICE has the power to release these men and women. Instead they have stalled on their cases, promising parole to some and not granting it, promising bail to others and not granting it. Although about half have been released, the rest remain in detention with no information about the course their cases will take or how long they will remain in prison-like conditions. Since August, various Cuban detainees have been using hunger strikes to protest this situation. On September 26, seven Cuban asylum-seekers again started a hunger strike, saying that this is the only tool they have left to get ICE to respond or communicate about their cases. But these detained asylum-seekers should not have to endanger their own health and expose themselves to retaliation from GEO Group and ICE in order to make progress in their cases. We urge you to support these hunger strikers by: 1) Please sign this petition. 2) Please also call the NWDC - 253-779-6000 Ext 1, then Ext. 4. Urge the officers there to immediately release the remaining two dozen Cuban asylum seekers on parole. Sample script: "Hello, I am Maria and I am calling to demand the immediate parole and release of the Cuban asylum seekers who remain at Northwest Detention Center. They have been told by the immigration court that ICE has the power to parole them. They have provided all documents requested. Yet they are bein kept in punishing prison-like conditions without reason or explanation. Some have been told they would be released but were not given any more detail and they are still waiting. Please release these asylum-seekers immediately. "
    202 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Resistencia N. Picture
    These women have never been in prison and DO NOT have any criminal record. They don't speak English and when they speak up they are harrassed and threatened with isolation by detention officers. All they are asking is for parole so they can be represented legally in the immigration court in the state where their family lives and can prepare for in the right legal defense. They are are NOT dangerous to the community and there is NO fear of leaving the country prior to their immigration hearings due to the fact that they are asking for political asylum.
    280 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Maria F.
  • Tell Sen Schumer to Back a Clean Dream Act Now!
    Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) have opportunities to move the Dream Act quickly and cleanly. But after a meeting with President Trump, they announced they had reached a bargain with Donald Trump tying the fate of immigrant youth to militarization of the border. The announcement included no details about legislative language and conflicting reports have already emerged. After Sen Pelosi was interrupted in CA by a group of undocumented youth, she came out the next day and publicly declared that she would work to pass a clean DREAM bill. The undoucmented youth took a stand because our voice voices have excluded from the discussion even though their decision will affect us and our families. Chuck Schumer has yet to make a public statement in support of clean DREAM. If New York claims to lead the "resistance" than we need actions to back up that claim not silence when we need him and others to lead.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Yonkers Sanctuary M.
  • Keep Franklin and Gioconda Ramos Home!
    The Ramos' case represents the unhinged nature of ICE’s exploits, particularly under a racist and xenophobic president. Donald Trump drew on a false narrative of ‘good’ vs ‘bad’ immigrants to galvanize his base and garner greater public support. However, his expansion of the deportation dragnet demonstrates his intent to indiscriminately detain and deport immigrants. In response to this escalating injustice, we as a community must recognize and elevate the humanity and dignity of all people, regardless of any criminal history or aspect of identity. Without a holistic and inclusive movement, we will ultimately lose our struggle to cultivate peaceful communities.
    576 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Anna R.
  • ICE Orders Deportation of Grandmother and Longtime Leader in Fight Against Deportations
    On August 31, Genoveva Ramirez accompanied by other OCAD leaders, her attorney, and various elected officials, appeared before ICE for her check-in. After a two hour wait and abusive treatment which individuals like Congresswoman Schakowsky and IL State Rep. Lisa Hernandez described as “unlike any other treatment [they] have ever received”, ICE once again denied the request for discretion of our ‘Abuelita’ Genoveva Ramirez, a 67 year old grandmother and long-time Chicagoland immigrant and union leader. ICE told Genoveva to return to ICE on September 28 with plane tickets to leave the country before the end of October. While this news weighs heavy on the Ramirez's family, Genoveva herself reminded her supporters that, “We will keep fighting. We have to keep fighting.” Genoveva’s case is not new to Ricardo Wong, ICE Field Director. Since 2013 Genoveva and supporters have shown up in multiple occasions to ask Director Wong to stop her deportation. But this year the local office has decided to continue proceedings against her. Under the Obama administration, Genoveva’s case was treated with discretion multiple times. Under Trump’s leadership, ICE feels empowered to do whatever they want : they have explicitly stated that they no longer have priorities or discretion, and that they will deport anyone, including this grandmother, with no regard whatsoever for consequences for her or her family.
    325 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Rey W.
  • Say No to ICE! Boycott Motel 6 for working with immigration agents!
    The safety of our communities is of the utmost importance and Motel 6's actions have shown that they cannot be trusted. We must boycott Motel 6 and stand against all those who seek to harm our loved ones. Read more about Motel 6's work with ICE here: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/14/us/arizona-motel-6-ice.html?mcubz=0
    230 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jeronimo S.