• Alderman Cardenas Stop Privatizing Public Spaces
    Alderman Cardenas and Chris Frominos, the cafe owner of Sip22, are furthering the gentrification of Little Village by colluding to replace a popular community square in front of the café with a patio area exclusively for customers. Cardenas has already removed the benches from the community square. The public plazita that Cardenas is willing to give away to Frominos is located in Little Village, on the corner of Marshall Blvd and Cermak Rd. This space and the benches are used by people from the community to chill, catch up with friends, take a breather as they take their groceries home, and rest while they walk their pets around the Boulevard. Also, this plazita is used every morning by a beloved Señora who brings us some of the most delicious tamales en el barrio. According to sources inside the Alderman's office, Cardenas called the Chicago Department of Transportation to ask that the benches be removed, allegedly so that they could be repainted. But when community members in the 12th Ward asked for more information, they were told there is no date or deadline for when the benches will be put back. They also said that if the café patio permit is accepted, the benches would be relocated outside of the former community square. The owners of Sip22 are gentrifiers. Sip22 is in Little Village, but they market their building as an extension of Pilsen to attract white and higher income individuals. Rent in Little Village and North Lawndale has been skyrocketing as a result of white and higher income people moving in, displacing poor and working class Latinx and Black residents. The signature of Cardenas is necessary for the patio permit to move forward. Sign the petition and call Alderman Cardenas at 773-523-8250 to ask about the space, demand he not sign the patio permit and demand that the benches be put back INSIDE of our community square immediately.
    289 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Rey W.
  • SIGN NOW! Governor Doug Ducey denounce White Supremacy or Resign!
    As outward white supremacy is on the rise, we can not allow for elected representatives to not be held accountable for racist acts. The community cringed when Ducey praised Trump’s clemency for former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who terrorized migrant communities and racially profiled black and brown people for over two decades. The governor, who earlier in his political career sought Arpaio’s endorsement, didn’t hesitate to stand by Trump who has ferociously attacked us since he came into office. This weekend Governor Doug Ducey continues to side with bigotry and hate by posing for a picture with known racist. For the past week tens of thousands of teachers have been on strike and Ducey has shunned them like he has the migrant and people of color communities in Arizona for the last four years. Gov. Doug Ducey, we demand that you Denounce White Supremacy or RESIGN!
    232 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Puente H. Picture
  • Support Lulu's Fight to Remain Home!
    Lulú Martinez has been fighting alongside her community for nearly a decade, and has been a part of significant actions demanding dignity for the immigrant community. In 2013, Lulú took part of the DREAM 9 action where she and a group of other young people left the country and re-entered seeking asylum. The DREAM 9 action directed attention to harmful immigration and border policies as well as helped uncovered dangerous conditions in detention centers. Five years later, Lulú is still going to court for her asylum case. Lulú has risked a lot in the actions she has taken, and now it is time for her community to show up and demand justice for Lulú.
    921 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Rey W.
  • Keep Alejandra Home. Tell AZ Gov. Ducey to Pardon Activist Alejandra Pablos and Keep Her Home
    Since Alejandra was released from detention she has worked to advocate for human and civil rights, dedicating her life to organizing for reproductive rights and the rights of immigrants. She is an active member of Mijente, a digital and grassroots hub for Latinx and Chicanx movement building and works as a Field Coordinator for the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, where she organizes to raise the voices of Latinas in Virginia for policy change at all levels of government on issues that impact their lives, women’s health care, and other social justice issues. Alejandra is yet another name added to the growing list of immigrant rights and human rights defenders in the United States who have been targeted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for deportation. She was released from immigration detention by a judge at Eloy Detention Center on April 18th, 2018, but continues to be in deportation proceedings. Getting a pardon from Governor Ducey would significantly increase her chances to be able to stop her deportation and allow her to stay home.
    1,998 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Mijente
  • Rosa is a survivor. Let's keep her safe here with her community!
    (EN ESPAÑOL ABAJO) Rosa del Carmen Ortez-Cruz came to the U.S. from Honduras in 2002, fleeing extreme domestic violence – she was stabbed multiple times by a former partner, spending over a month in the hospital at age 19. She is the mother of four children, three of whom are U.S. citizens. Not only is Honduras one of the most dangerous countries in the world, but Rosa cannot return because her abuser has threatened her life. Despite the fact that immigration courts recognized that Rosa fled Honduras to save her life, the courts ultimately denied her case, effectively sentencing her to the hands of her abuser if she were deported to Honduras. Church of Reconciliation (Presbyterian Church USA) and Chapel Hill Mennonite Fellowship (Mennonite Church USA) have offered sanctuary to Rosa while her attorney fights for her life in court, with support from AFSC/Siembra NC. Join your voice to ours as we together call upon ICE to allow Rosa to stay in the United States, where she can live without fear of further abuse. —- Rosa del Carmen Ortez-Cruz vino a los Estados Unidos desde Honduras en 2002, huyendo de la violencia doméstica extrema: fue apuñalada en múltiples ocasiones por una ex pareja, pasó más de un mes en el hospital a los 19 años. Es madre de cuatro hijos, tres de los cuales son ciudadanos estadounidenses. Honduras no solo es uno de los países más peligrosos del mundo, sino que Rosa no puede regresar porque su abusador ha amenazado su vida. A pesar de que los tribunales de inmigración reconocieron que Rosa huyó de Honduras para salvar su vida, los tribunales en última instancia negaron su caso, efectivamente sentenciándola a manos de su abusador si era deportada a Honduras. La Iglesia de la Reconciliación (Iglesia Presbiteriana de los Estados Unidos.) Y la Hermandad Menonita de Chapel Hill (Iglesia Menonita de Estados Unidos) han ofrecido refugio a Rosa mientras su abogado lucha por su vida en el tribunal, con apoyo de AFSC/Siembra NC. Une tu voz a la nuestra mientras juntos exigimos a ICE permitir que Rosa se quede en los Estados Unidos, donde puede vivir sin temor a nuevos abusos.
    772 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Isaac V.
  • Peter Thiel does Trump’s Dirty Data Work, Remove him from Facebook’s Leadership
    This week Mark Zuckerberg testified before Congress to answer questions about Facebook's’ role in the 2016 election, and how the political consultancy firm Cambridge Analytica improperly gained access to personal information on 87 million Facebook users. He apologized and committed to taking steps to protect user privacy. But real reform begins with cleaning house. Yet, Peter Thiel, founder and owner of Palantir, is a key member of Facebook’s Board of Directors. Palantir is the data company that helped Cambridge Analytica find ways to collect people’s information on Facebook. It has been reported that a Palantir staffer “produced the idea to harvest Facebook user data” to begin with. Palantir also created and manages the data processing and surveillance program that ICE uses to create “target lists” for their home and workplace raids. They are the technology firm behind Trump’s increase in arrests and deportations. If Facebook wants to be taken seriously in their efforts to protect our data, privacy, and rights they need to start with kicking Peter Thiel off their Board of Directors.
    143 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mijente
  • Georgia Community Organizer Arrested for Driving Without A License, Could Be Taken to ICE
    Adrian Sauced-Luviano is a community organizer with the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (GLAHR) and a migrant worker who has lived in the U.S. for over 10 years. He has participated in the fight for immigrant rights in Georgia and representing migrant workers nationally. Adrian was pulled over by a county Sheriff, and charged with nothing more than Driving without a License. In Georgia, people call that charge "Driving while brown" because it has been a way for Sheriffs to profile Latinxs attempting to find undocumented immigrants. In Georgia, Driving without a license is considered a felony, and is part of the state laws targeting undocumented immigrants. The Sheriff in Cullen Talton has refused to release immigrants even after they are eligible for bond, and insists on turning them over to ICE. Please call the Houston County Sheriff Cullen Talton: (478) 542-2080, (478)542-2125 // Adrian Sauced-Luviano es un organizador con Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (GLAHR) y un trabajador migrante que ha vivido en los EEUU más de 10 años. Ha participado en la lucha por los derechos de los inmigrantes en Georgia y representando trabajadores migrantes a nivel nacional. Adrián fue detenido por un Sheriff del condado, y acusado únicamente de conducir sin licencia. En Georgia, la gente dice que el cargo es "Conducir mientras ser una persona de color" porque ha sido una forma que los Sheriffs discriminan contra Latinxs intentando encontrar inmigrantes indocumentados. En Georgia, conducir sin licencia se considera un delito grave, y es parte de las leyes estatales dirigidas a los inmigrantes indocumentados. El Sheriff en Cullen Talton se ha negado a liberar a los inmigrantes incluso después de ser elegibles para la fianza, e insiste en entregarlos a ICE. Llame al Sheriff del Condado de Houston Cullen Talton: (478) 542-2080, (478)542-2125
    544 of 600 Signatures
    Created by GLAHR
  • Chicago police racist terrorism
    Chicago police violated our families civil rights and human rights for over 7 years and counting. This is one of the worst discrimination, police misconduct cases you will ever see. We dont have a criminal record. They did this because were Mexican ( I was born in chicago) LOOK WHAT THEY DID FOR OVER 7 YEARS. This is the worst discrimination case you will ever see its over 7 years of abuse of power, slander(4 counts) , hate crimes, harassment, discrimination, false arrest DUI, destroyed job and career, (stole over 250K) and lots more misconduct by CHICAGO POLICE and POLICE INVESTIGATORS. They caused trouble for the whole family for years
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Oscar V.
  • Justice For Mele
    Undocumented loved one and father of three young children Melesio Morales Mata was detained by ICE this morning after his lawyer presented a stay of removal at the monthly check-in. ICE demands that Melesio continue to fight for a stay of removal from within the for profit prison the Northwest Detention Center. Melesio received a letter to appear earlier this year and after showing up to his scheduled appointment with community support ICE decided to put him under a monitor program by having him wear an ankle bracelet. This program is run by a private subsidiary of Geo Group the Intensive Supervision of Appearance Program (ISAP). For his second check-in this month ICE decided to put Melesio in detention, concurrent is Geo’s existential need to continue profiting off of detention. Geo makes $.85 per dollar ICE spends to keep a person detained as net profit and ICE ensures this profits continues with federal contracts that include minimum bed quotas. As the latest report by Detention Watch Network exposes, “the drastic expansion of mandatory detention combined with a skyrocketing detention budget has created a sprawling and unaccountable system of mass detention. As a result, the number of individuals detained has grown dramatically. The average daily population of detained immigrants increased from approximately 5,000 in 1994, to 19,000 in 2001, and to over 39,000 in 2017. After three decades of expansion, the detention system now captures and holds as many as 400,000 immigrants each year.”... And all those people could be facing immigration cases amongst their families and community instead of detention. Melesio’s partner Monica had this to say, “ When we first went into our appointment, the officer told Melesio, ‘we’ll give you until June so that you can stay with your children until they finish school’, but they did not keeping their word, and that just interrupted our lives because I really thought we had until June. Yesterday detaining him was a big shock. And I guess what I’m trying to say is that they don’t care. They don’t have to keep their word. And now it hits me hard because he’s the sole provider for our family. How long is he going to be gone? How am I gonna pay the bills for this month or next month? And what if his stay is not granted and he is deported back to Mexico? It worries me because you know I read the news about what happens inside the detention center, hunger strikes, the officers not treating people with any respect. That just makes me wonder... What is happening in there? Is he going to be given the treatment he needs and the respect he deserves? I just want him home.”
    430 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Resistencia N. Picture
  • Stop Yesica's Deportation!
    At 22 years old, Yesica has been detained at detention centers in Texas for almost two years. She is currently being held at CoreCivic's Houston Processing Center. Having survived trauma and persecution in El Salvador, she made her way to the U.S. alone to get to safety and reunite with her family. She braved the abusive detention and deportation machine stretching from Mexico to the U.S. Yesica passed her credible fear interview and has appealed her asylum claim repeatedly, but ICE continues to deny her appeals and release. While Congress just voted to greatly increase the 2018 budget for ICE and Customs & Border Patrol, families like Yesica’s continue being ripped apart by an inhumane and deadly immigration enforcement system. Yesica’s family lives in Chicago, IL and has been waiting for years to be reunited with their oldest daughter and beloved sister. Yesica fled to the U.S. from El Salvador with her mother and two younger brothers in 2015 but was violently separated from her loved ones. In 2016, she was apprehended at the border while attempting to reunite with her family. Her family’s asylum claims have been allowed and are proceeding under the same set of entry circumstances that apply to Yesica’s case. Yesica made the critical decision to flee El Salvador following the murder of her father and after her own life was threatened. Now, Yesica is beset by depression, nightmares, and terror. She fears for her life after so many months in immigrant detention. Every person has the right to move and live freely, in community and with their family, without fear of being separated from their loved ones or displaced from their home. We are asking for your support to put pressure on ICE to stop Yesica’s deportation and release her from detention so she can join her family in Chicago. __ ¿Por qué es importante? A los 22 años de edad, Yesica ha estado detenida en varios centros de detención en Texas por casi dos años. Actualmente se encuentra detenida en el centro de procesamiento de CoreCivic en Houston. Después de pasar trauma y persecución en El Salvador, se dirigió a los Estados Unidos sóla, enfrentándose a peligros, a un sistema de detención y deportaciones abusivo para llegar a un lugar seguro y reunirse con su familia. Yesica ya pasó su entrevista para establecer el nivel de “miedo creíble” y ha apelado su solicitud de asilo en varias ocasiones, pero ICE continúa negando sus apelaciones y su liberación. Mientras que el Congreso acaba de votar para aumentar extremadamente el presupuesto de 2018 para ICE y la patrulla fronteriza, familias como la de Yesica siguen siendo destrozadas. La familia de Yesica vive en Chicago, IL, llevan años esperando para reunirse con su hija mayor y su hermana. Yesica huyó de El Salvador con su madre y dos hermanitos en el 2015, pero ella fue separada violentamente de su familia. En 2016, Yesica fue detenida en la frontera mientras intentaba unirse con su familia de nuevo. Las solicitudes de asilo de su familia han sido autorizadas y proceden bajo las mismas circunstancias de entrada que aplican al caso de Yesica. Yesica tomó la decisión de huir de El Salvador tras el asesinato de su padre y después de que su propia vida estaba en peligro. Ahora, Yesica vive acosada por la depresión, pesadillas, y terror. Ella teme por su vida después de tantos meses en detención. Todxs tenemos el derecho a la movilidad humana y vivir libremente, en comunidad y en familia, sin temor a ser separados de nuestros seres queridos o ser desplazados. Estamos pidiendo su apoyo para presionar a ICE para que detengan la deportación de Yesica y que la liberen de detención para poder reunirse con su familia en Chicago.
    2,134 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Chicago Religious L.
    THIS IS URGENT! ICE IS NOT FOCUSING ON DANGEROUS CRIMINALS like they say. Instead, they are deporting people who have been showing up for annual check in appointments. Enma, originally from Guatemala, came to the United States 25 years ago seeking asylum, but her application was denied. While she waited for a decision, ICE gave her a working permit. After her asylum request was denied, she continued to receive a Stay of Deportation every year. For 25 years, she has been reporting to ICE and renewing her work permit; every year. This year, after reporting for her yearly check-in, Enma was told she would have to leave. She is set to leave on Friday, March 30th, 2018. Enma was denied a hearing before a judge and was coerced into signing a voluntary deportation to avoid going to a detention center with her U.S. born adopted granddaughter after being told she would have to take her with her to Guatemala. In the 25 years she has lived in the United States Enma has never had contact with the police. In addition to her adopted daughter, Enma has two daughters. Her oldest daughter, Evelyn, was diagnosed with liver disease and needed a liver transplant. She was told that due to her undocumented status, she could not get on the list for transplant recipients even if a donor came forward to donate for her specifically. Seeing no hope, Evelyn became despondent, fell into depression and committed suicide at the age of 25, leaving behind a 7-year-old daughter with special needs. Enma adopted Evelyn's daughter, and she is now her sole provider. Enma also plays a significant financial and emotional supporting role for her second daughter who is a DACA recipient, married to a U.S. Citizen, and mother to three young children. If Congress fails to act on behalf of all DACA recipients, she too, will be vulnerable to deportation. Her only option is to try to raise funds to pay for the costly application to adjust status, money she and her husband do not have. Enma practices a unique and rare high-skill trade. She is the only person in South Carolina that can do this work. She does antique rug repair, restoration and maintenance work for Bistany's Oriental Rugs in Columbia. According to her employer, Sylvana Hanna: “Enma is the lifeline of the business, and if she is deported, there will be no one left to train others.” Without Enma, Bistany’s Oriental Rugs, a highly respected and trusted business in the State, and a generational legacy, will most likely shut down, leaving many unemployed. Enma’s only mistake was to come to the United States seeking asylum. She has suffered enough. Let Enma stay, she is not a threat to anyone.
    261 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Laura C.
  • The People's Moratorium: Halt Construction on New Youth Jail and Courts!
    For six plus years there has been widespread opposition to the court and jail-building project on 12th and Alder in Seattle, WA, Duwamish Land. This opposition has come from local non-profits, leading legal service providers, Native American leaders, and health care providers, among others. Key aspects of the County’s project have been called into question, including its jeopardized funding following a Washington Court of Appeals decision rendering tax collection for much of the $210 million dollar unlawful, and the motivations for the project, given that internal County documents show that the current youth jail is in "generally good condition." The widespread opposition to the project is grounded in the growing consensus that the County's imprisonment systems are racially targeted and criminalize poverty. In calling for a moratorium on construction, we draw attention to the County’s repeated efforts to squelch dissent to the increasingly unpopular project. From changing rules of at County Council meetings to limit public engagement, to cancelling open houses and public meetings, to actively thwarting the attempt by over 60 community-based organizations to appeal the building permit for the new jail, the County’s approach to the process of planning and construction has been marked by efforts to avoid community input and participation, to hide the truth about the project, and to prevent a meaningful public process. Stop the construction now and begin real negotiations with community stakeholders to repurpose the site for basic human needs and implement an end to youth detention. Love the youth, Stop the jail! No New Youth Jail Coalition Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NoNewYouthJailSeattle/
    2,095 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by No New Youth Jail Coalition S.